Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Feeling better

I made it through and I think I am on the road to recovery. Yesterday I wasn’t feeling too hot. The procedure was a piece of cake. I was talking to the technicians, the guys were teasing one nurse and I offered to pop the guys if she needed help. The guys laughed and said "Sally you have someone on your side". The next thing he said was “We’re going to give you something to help you sleep…” the next thing I heard was Nick saying, “Hey honey you waking up now?”

So it was over, I got dressed and we came home. I sent a few short emails then I laid down for a nap. I got up a couple of hours later and felt fine still for a while. But then I started hurting and my stomach was upset and the rest of the evening felt pretty lousy. I couldn’t keep anything down and I HATE the way strong pain med make me feel. So basically just went on to be early and I feel much better this morning.

Two interesting things happened at the hospital. They start asking all these question… have you had this or that condition they go through a long list. On question was “Have you ever had thoughts of hurting yourself?” Nick and I each had a small grin on our face as I answered no. I could have pictured the conversation had I been a bit loopier “Well in the past I have self spanked and sometimes it could get a bit intense but now I prefer to let Nick handle such things. Although I was the one crazy enough to order the tawse – does that count?”

The second thing that happened at the hospital was as they were getting ready to discharge me. The doctor’s orders were for yesterday, no strenuous activities no lifting, no straining, no cooking, no cleaning. The next day I needed to get up and walk as much as I felt like. All other activities could begin as I felt like it. Hmmm… ‘as I felt like it’, seems like I have doctors orders to never cook or clean again. This whole procedure had turned out pretty well after all.


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Very good news and funny too. I agree that you have a valid argument to never have to do anymore housework.

  2. no more housework sounds good to me! :-) Thinking of you...

  3. I swear woman, you will do ANYTHING to get out of cleaning and cooking!

    Now, which doc is this? I think I have a pain....


  4. Glad you're recovering..yeah housework sucks..anything to get out of it! You are in our thoughts..take care.

  5. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Glad to hear you are doing well, PK. Do you think you could find out what medical school this Dr. attended? He seems very forward thinking. Perhaps there were others in the class that are scattered about the country! hehe

    Debbie :)

  6. ofbg,
    I try for every argument I can get.


    I'll send you his number.

    I hope you are feeling better too!

    I think the key is listening closly to your doctor. It's like it says on the asprin bottle. "In case of headache take two and keep away from children! I always try to do both!

  7. Works for me! :-) I think you're safe from housework! Unless of course, you are up to a spanking... then Nick might suspect and help you decide to be up to housework!


  8. Glad your back and feeling better. As for the cleaning I don't know for cooking you just plain sizzle hehehe.

    *hugs and grins*

  9. PK, good to hear that everything is okay.
    I'm not to keen on pain med either, mind you if you decide on never doing any housework you just might need some.
    Love and warm hugs,

  10. So glad to hear you're feeling better! They should've given you an anti-nausea with the pain med. Shame on them.


  11. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I am pleased to read everything went well and you are back with us.

    Take care.

