Monday, August 20, 2007

What a visit!

Eva and Adam you don’t need to read this, you know what all went on during the visit this is mostly to let Nick know how I spent my time away. Being the domestic goddess I am I spent most of my time cooking and cleaning, nursing Eva and doing other odd jobs they needed done around the house. I washed and waxed the cars, changed the oil, painted the outside of the house, shampooed all the carpets and cleaned the chimney. But I don’t mean to say I did more than Adam. After all he was in charge of writing down every time Eva rolled her eyes or gave us a dirty look. And let me tell you that kept him hopping!

Okay no not really! The visit was wonderful! I did what I could but Eva was pretty much able to take care of herself and Adam handled everything else. Had I eaten every time they offered me something I would have gained all the weight that Eva has lost so far. Folks from their church are bringing meals for Adam and Saturday night daughter #2 made some fantastic spaghetti. After supper we sat on the deck around the fire and I just loved it. There was Eva, Adam and I, their daughter and son-in-law, their friend (a bit crazy but very nice) and a friend of Eva’s and her daughter. What an interesting conversation! Mostly I just sat back and listened. What fun!!

There are so many highlights from the trip. I did like sitting around the fire with everyone, but I really enjoyed just sitting and visiting with Eva and Adam. I enjoyed walking the pup. I liked riding around and seeing where everything is. Seeing the town, her school and some of their friends really helps out an old detail whore like me. And I really enjoyed listening to Adam sing in church – he’s good!

These guys even gave me a gift a beautiful basket of different jams and jellies and candles and other neat stuff! Of course the wooden spatula tied up with this pretty basket was really above and beyond what was necessary but when Adam told me he had gotten a twin one for Eva I guess it was alright!

The trip was wonderful! I am so glad I came!! And I would do it again in a heartbeat!


  1. Woo hoo!

    Sounds like it was a great trip.

    Didn't Eva's mother ever tell her that if she kept making faces it would freeze that way??

    Now, drive home safely. Don't tail gate and don't speed.

    Mostly don't try and eat the jams and jellys while driving. The steering wheel could get sticky!


  2. Great post! Sounds like you all had a really good time. Thanks for the updates and for keeping us posted.

  3. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Twin~ What can I say? It was awesome having you here. When are you coming back?


  4. Anonymous8:47 PM

    It's over so soon? I know you hate to leave and that you two will be cooking up another visit before long. It was so great that you could make the trip.

    Drive safely. It's still hot as hell here, so don't be in any rush to return.

    *hugs* Suzy

  5. Sounds like a wonderful trip indeed! If you did all of that can you come to my house next? hehe.. I'm so glad you guys had a wonderful time! Too bad Nick couldn't come too!


  6. PK, what a treasure you are, thanks for letting us know how Eva is.
    If you fancy a trip to England. *G*
    Take care dear girl.
    Love and warm hugs,

  7. You are something else. Sounds like a great time and time well spent taking care of our Eva and Adam for us.

    Now hurry up and try out that new toy so we can get an update on it.

    *hugs and grins*

  8. Sounds like you had a great time..Glad Eva is doing so well and that you made it home safely..

  9. Grace,
    I could tell Eva had practiced this face before! I did make it home and saved some of the jams and jellys for the family.

    We really did have a great time. I am ready to go back!

    If I didn't have to work for a living Nick and I would visit next month.

    Another visit or two are already in the works!

    The weather there was so perfect Friday and Saturday, sunny and low 70's. Sunday was rainy and a bit nippy at 65! I LOVED IT!!

    I plan to take Nick next time!

    Some people want to see Big Ben, Stonehenge, the changing of the guard and so many other things in the UK. I am sure all these things are wonderful but they have never drawn me there. Now an afternoon visit with you and getting to see a picture of Mel, that might get me there!

    Now David that toy look formidable! But once it is used I will give a full report!

    I am glad she is doing so well too but I wish I could have stayed longer!
