Sunday, July 15, 2007

Summer Camp

Last week was interesting. We had a week mostly on our own. Mollie was at camp all week and LJ only shows up occasionally. The down side, Nick was sick. Not terribly sick but a sore throat and ear problems. I began to realize this might not ruin the week when he got back from Monday. He told me the doctor said that the best think for his throat and ears would probably be a full body massage. I want my husband well so we decided to try it right away. I slowly massaged hands, neck, feet and everything in between! He said that the doctor was right he did feel much better I know it really made me feel a lot better! Nick also said that his doctor gave him at least 3 refills!

Now the next day I went to pick up my new glasses. Upon arriving home I told Nick that the eye doctor told me that he thought my vision could be improved by a vigorous application of alternating sharp pressure to my gluteus muscle. I am not sure he completely believed me but he was willing to give it a shot as he said to improve “my focus”. I’ll be damned it worked; I was much more focused after he gave it a try! He used several nice implements including the ‘wrong’ end of the tawse! Now that leaves an impression! But he also used his belt and I quickly remembered why that is one of my favorites!

I told my twin about the advice the doctors had given us. Eva said we were a couple of medical liars! I don’t know where in the world she would have come up with that!

LJ was around for some of the week but we managed quite nicely. We even decided to go toy shopping. This was the store in the next little toy over, actually one we had not gone to before. It was very nice, much bigger than the other one there. There were a few other couples there they were around our age and looked like they had no more business in this store than we did! But I wasn’t bothered at all this time. We looked for a long time and saw lots of nice things. I am not sure about our final purchases. They are pretty much selfish for me. I don’t know…

We went Saturday and picked up our baby. But that did not put an end to the fun and games of the week it just quieted them down a bit. Saturday was Nick’s birthday. And I know I enjoyed his gift, I sure hope he did!


  1. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I really enjoy your blog. I reread ur first entries after coming out to your spouse. I so wish my husband had been as interested. I came out to him over 3 years ago and other than a few swats during sex nothing. I have tried to get him to read blogs, sent emails , talked at length, he just doesn't get it. At this point I am just disappointed. I have to find a way now to get past my fantasy and longing and try to be happy with what I do have. He's beginning to get frustrated over my lack of interest in sex. I just needed to say these words to someone. I have lurked for years but now I am done, I need to break away it only maked me want what he is unable to provide. I will miss all of you that I feel like are my friends I come and visit every day. Happy Life everyone!!!!


  2. PK, what a great week, your doctor and optician are wise people and give very good advice.
    My Mel was a doctor and self prescribed a great deal, she said it was very good for both of us. *G*
    I'll bet Nick had a great birthday, I hope so anyway.
    Warm hugs,

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    C~ Before you give up, go here and print his post from Oct 22 2006 and do everything in your power to get your hubby to read it.

    Don't give up!!!


  4. C,
    Please don't go just yet. You may be right in what you have to do but you haven't really talked to us before. The back and forth between friends here does help. I have a million things to say and I can't say them all here. You may never have what you want but that is no reason to deny who you are. You obviously know what is best for you but please before you truly go away email me

    I won't bug you, but I would like to talk.


  5. Happy birthday Nick! (and PK, too, apparently)!!!!!! Love you both lots and lots!

  6. We had some great spanking time this weekend as well..Too many implements to count!
    C..don't give up. Just like you i was in a similar situation.I started sending my husband emails from spanking blogs and stories.WWW/Discipline and Desire" was a great educator.
    I printed out things for him to read and i finally sent him a spanking email greeting and told him this is what i want!
    In November he bought a riding crop and the rest is history! I'm pretty sure he's very happy about his decision as it is a great turn on for him!

  7. Um... I think I need your doctors!!! :-) And Eva not beleiving you? Shocking... truely shocking!

