Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Now that it's here...

What I want to do on my Summer Vacation

Meet Eva and Adam

Have wild, crazy, passionate sex

Get spanked with extreme frequency

Go to the beach

Have LJ get a job

Send Mollie to camp

Read the new Harry Potter book

Have more spanking and sex

Skinny dip in the pool

Lose weight

Try ginger again

Blog, blog, blog, blog, blog…

Have more spankings and sex

Get to meet all my blogging friends

Lose weight

Sleep late

Have lots of alone time with Nick

Eat mindlessly all day without gaining weight

Get all organized and prepared for the next school year

(fat chance)

Be lazy, lazy, lazy

Read the new Miss Julia book

Have more spankings and sex

What I want for my friends during my summer vacation

I want Eva and Adam to have a wonderful trip and decide to move south

I want Reesa to post faster

I want Theresa to write more Danny and Mayye stories

I want Tiggr back to normal (I mean her normal) getting spanked and writing full steam

I want Grace to spend lots of time with the family and even more alone with Bossman

I want CeeCi to get her libido back so strong she can’t write for squirming in her chair

I want Cassie and Tom to host a party for all of us in blogland to get together

I want Paul to relocate to the States, preferably the southeast

I want Bonnie to never run out of steam for spanking or blogging about it

I want Maggie to once again talk to MrC who loves the idea and keeps her too sore to sit

I want Emerald Eyes and Cm to have a beautiful wedding and a fantastic marriage

I want Todd and Suzy to have so much privacy for spanking that they both lose weight from it

I want Suzq to relive fond memories, enjoy old friend and make many new one

I want Padme and Anakin to have the time and energy to get all they need from each other

I want Sky to come back and say hello

I want Sar to have lots of adventures to write about and the time to write them

I want Carye to play hard with the kids all day so that they are all asleep by 8:00 then she and Papa Shrek can play

I want Mthc and David to get a boat so David with have a place to play with that awful paddle besides our parties

I want Dave to find out his job and his son will be moving to Cindy’s town

I want Spanky and Kallisto to have all the time they want for each other and the time and desire to write about it

Really is this too much to ask?

The beautiful picture of the beach was taken by Rolf Hicker – Hicker Nature Photography. Obviously a very talented photographer! My thanks!


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Geeze Twin... my summer break is only three months long. How long is yours? You are gonna need more than three months for all that!!!


  2. Not too much to ask at all! Lets hope it all comes true... well... at least MOST of it! :-) Only 2 more days!!! WOO HOO!!!! YEA FOR YOU!!!!!

    PS: Starting out well with lots of play time, but so far, I haven't exhausted the kids enough!

  3. Anonymous11:23 PM

    ahh... thanks for the summer wishes for us. You made the PERFECT choice! We hope you get what you want this summer too.

    ~Todd & Suzy

  4. It sounds like great fun to me. A party all summer long what could be better.

    *hugs and grins*

  5. He has a boat but he has yet to use it!..I don't get a break in the summer..i have kids ALL OF THE TIME! Enjoy your summer!

  6. PK, what a lovely summer wish list, lets hope at least some of it comes true.
    I don't really wish to move, but I'd love the means to visit often.
    Warm hugs,

  7. No, not too much to ask at all! Where there's a Will .... Oh, that's for Theresa *g*


  8. Now where did I put my genie bottle. I'm sure I left it here somewhere. Just give it a rub when you find it PK, all your dreams will come true!


  9. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Thanks for the summer wishes! Love the Star Wars picture too to go with it. *big smiles*
    I wish for all your summer wishes to come true. I hope you get lots of sex and spankings this summer. ;)
    padme amidala

  10. Sounds rather simple.


  11. Eva,
    I plan to squeeze a lot into the time I have!

    Almost over tomorrow its it!! I hope you have tons of time to play too!

    Todd and Suzy,
    I hope we all get what we want!

    At least we can party for 2 weeks at Eva's!

    That's not good. You just have to have a break sometime!! Well keep on partying with us this summer!

    I guess I would settle for getting to meet you at a party at Cassie's.

    Now Maggie, you have the power to make your come true!

    I will be on the lookout!

    I think we want much the same thing for the summer!

    I think is sounds simple too - so start writing already!

  12. "I want never gets" - always remember my mother saying that to me!

    Well I have missed a lot I see, and as for all you want I hope you get it and much more! The sex and spanking thing sounds great, and in fact I think EVERYONE should write a list of all they want for this summer!

    Thank you for wanting us to have a nice wedding, 17 more days did you know? I am excited and nervous all at the same time...

    Our new paddle that I bought for his wedding gift comes soon ;-)

    Anyways I missed you and hope you're well, sounds as though you're doing just fine!

    Big hugs
    Em x

  13. Hi,

    if you use copyright protected images on your website you should at least give the photographers credit. The top sunset picturewas taken by Rolf Hicker - Hicker Nature Photography. Rolf even offers free images from his site for blog - only request is to use his picture-share code. You may consider using free images legal: free picture-share.

  14. What fabulous summer wishes! Thank you for your wish for us, you are a sweetheart! I hope you have the best summer ever, with plenty of fun and excitement, and plenty of food that tastes great but doesn't add weight.
    Big hugs,

  15. BIG smiles ....
    Thanks PK. Such sweet thoughts from you! Wouldn't it be grand if life worked this way?


  16. Anonymous11:52 PM

    What a great summer wishlist! I hope we all get what you wished for. You're gonna have a great time with the twin and Adam. What a way to start the summer. Would you ever have imagined it last year at this time? Toooo kewl.

    Parrrrty time! suzy

  17. Okay, PK, couldn't you think of something more fun for me to do? LOL

    You know I'm kidding - you're a great friend and you really care about all your friends on here! This was a wonderful post!

