Saturday, June 30, 2007

Our Sunday Visit

Like I said my Sunday got off to a warm start. But who doesn’t love the attention. Eva and Adam were coming over mid-morning and I was taking them to meet some more friends of mine. This couple, Dick and Jane, went through the same surgery Eva is having. It has been almost a year now and Jane is well, and healthy and happy and they wanted to talk to Eve and Adam. It was a good talk and I began to realize that the husbands are a huge part of all this.

As I sat there listening I got to looking back and forth between Eva and Jane and I thought “Man I may not be great at everything but boy can I pick friends!” I was with the two women who knew more about me than anyone and I wasn’t even afraid! It was a really good visit! And I am sure that Eva and Adam will keep in touch with Dick and Jane. If only they were spankos they would be perfect! Of course Eva did point out an interesting looking shoe horn hanging in the living room so who knows!

When we left there we headed up the mountains for lunch. We have a nice little town nestled in our mountains that is fun to just wander through it. After lunch we hit a few of these shops. One was a candy/toy store. It didn’t take Eva and I long to spot some of the toys there that could easily find their way in to our toy boxes. It was so much fun to just look at each other and know!

We rode around in the mountains and Eva and Adam seemed impressed with the vast wooded are and the amount of privacy that was surrounding us. What they were really thinking about was how easy it would be to sneak off in to the woods and find a good switch. The sneaking of in the woods for a quick spanking is a fine idea; switches however are not on my fantasy list!

We stopped by a beautiful old home in the mountains to take in the great view and look at the mountain crafts that are sold from the store now. Eva and I sat outside talking and enjoying the breeze while the guys looked through the store. When Nick came out he told us there were some really nice boat paddles that David would probably really like! When we went in to look I was at first startled to see a rack of beautiful wooden toys – our toys! And right out in the opened!! Okay they probably could have been used in a kitchen too but they were much too pretty to cook with! Spatulas, flippers, spoons and several items I couldn’t actually identify but all made with the most beautiful wood! I was mesmerized. I sure hope Nick keeps this place in mind for future Christmas and birthday gifts

On the way home we stopped by one more kitchen supply store and an ice cream / candy shop (Mollie had wanted us to bring her candy from there). And yes I did get ice cream but only a little tiny cone! Nick took the old road home, through the area where he grew up. LOL! I think Eva and Adam were listening for banjo music at we passed curve after curve in the deep mountain woods. My man came from the sticks!!

Eventually the day and even the visit had to come to an end. They headed out the next morning after breakfast. I believe our dog would have cheerfully crawled in the car with them and gone for a visit! Not sure what their pup would have thought but my pet fell in love with Eva and Adam just like the rest of the family!

Well folks that was our visit! For me it was a dream comes true. I met Eva face to face 25 day shy of a year from the first time I left a comment on here brand new blog. An incredible year, an incredible visit! I believe it was the first of many!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Weight gain woes

Although this isn’t strictly about the visit it did happen while they were here. As you have probably read over at Todd and Suzy’s I gained this week. When Nick didn’t spank me Friday after weigh in I thought he was going to give me the weekend off. But no the lure of my twin’s gift was too much for him! So it was actually Sunday morning that I woke to him gently rolling me over only to really wake up with his anything but gentle use of his new backscratcher (I claim no ownership). That thin, mean, stinging thing was doing a number on my behind!! Now Nick did have my full attention but Eva and Grace crossed my mind as I grasped for ways to share my joy in my new gift!!

When he finally stopped and started rubbing he was explaining that while I was doing well on the over all weight loss plan there would be no backsliding. I was doing okay, it was over, he was rubbing and the introduction of the new toy had at least gotten me a reprieve from the hairbrush that is our nastiest toy and the one he now uses when I gain. Avoiding that wasn’t the worse thing that could have happened, but then I heard him open the drawer where he keeps the hair brush.

What! The bs was a warm up!! Are you kidding me?? Ten with the brush was not exactly the top thing on my list of thing to do. Not to worry, I didn’t get ten – I got thirty!! Are you listening? Thirty!! At least that’s what I think, I lost count somewhere in the mid-twenties and it wasn’t quite over. I am usually nearly silent during a spanking but not quite that time. Trust me when I say I got the message!

Now I got some wonderful loving after all that but my butt was reminding me all day as we toured with Eva and Adam that Nick was not forgetting the weight loss program that he had promised to help me with! And in spite of the sore butt I am very grateful that he is still taking this seriously. I am too. I have been to the gym every day this week so far – Monday through Thursday. Cross your fingers I weigh first thing Friday morning. This weigh in will be close. Yes I have been to the gym but I also enjoyed eating out with our company. To find out if I made it this week check back in with Todd and Suzy over at A.S.S. either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Meanwhile I will soon be telling you about our Sunday because there wasn’t a moment while Eva and Adam were here that wasn’t fun for me!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


After breakfast we headed back to the house where we finally got some time without Mollie hanging on our every word. It would have been such a nice friendly atmosphere except for one thing.


You thought she wasn’t here. You thought she wasn’t in on this visit. Oh but her influence was here all along. She got into Eva’s head. While on a pretty little resort island something caught Eva’s eye, worse than that it caught her imagination. And who ended up paying for this flight of fancy - me! And ultimately who’s fault was it – Grace’s. You see Grace puts dangerous and potential damaging information on her site for anyone to read.

Eva and I hadn’t ‘met’ before so we had gotten each other a gift. Eva gave me a candle and candle warmer that has my house smelling better than it ever has! I gave her books. Both nice sensible gifts, I even had a little gift for Adam. But then Grace came into the picture. As Eva strolled through a gift shop on her island – she saw it, a backscratcher! Now seeing this might not have put ideas in her head had it not been for Grace. Why has Grace felt the need to write about such a stinging little toy??

My sister got me one, bless her heart. And the best thing about that was that Adam told her “If you are getting one for PK I am getting one for you too.” It’s the twin thing you know!

Alright Grace I am annoyed but I will say one thing for you, you haven’t lied! That is one mean little sucker – more about that tomorrow.

It was after that that I brought out the toys to show. They seemed interested in the ones Nick had made. I love them too because besides warming my rear end they also warm my heart. He made them just for me and each a surprise. Can’t ask for much more than that! Nick reminded me to get the crop that doesn’t fit into the toy box. As we sat and talked about the toys Eva was busy tying knots in the flogger and I kept playing with the crop until the boys suggested we put the toys away. But it really was a fun conversation!

We spent much of the afternoon playing on the computer while Adam tried out the pool and the guys talked more. And later that night we went to a somewhat southern restaurant. It wasn’t until the next morning that Grace officially got on my bad side!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The first day

When I woke Friday morning I was already excited! I spent most of the day puttering around finding little things to do; mostly I tried to keep busy. I knew that they would not be here until supper time so I waited. When Eva called I think she said something like “This is your last chance to back out!” I didn’t back out! I yelled for the family and headed to the car. But I did have butterflies!

When we got to the hotel and I knocked, I wondered for a minute if she had changed her mind but as she peeped around the door she must have thought we looked alright because she did open the door and I got my first hug. I felt like one big grin! Once I saw them I was fine. I think I adjusted faster that when we first spoke on the phone.

I could tell Mollie was nervous because she wasn’t talking. And I wanted Eva to hear that she, unlike me, sounded southern. Of course before the weekend was over she had plenty of chances to hear Mollie talk!! LJ joined in he usually feels pretty comfortable in any situation.

Collin joined us for supper then we all came back to the house to visit. That was fun, just getting comfortable with each other. Mollie was funny most of the weekend when she was with us she was sitting either right beside or on me. I think it was territorial. She knows how much time I spend talking to Eva and I think she wanted to establish ownership. But by the end of the weekend she was chattering as usual and was sorry to see them leave.

There wasn’t any friction until the next morning. We went to an all you can eat breakfast and I was forced to throw myself in front of the grits to protect them from Yankees with a sugar fetish. Adam also had me shaking my head as he put pepper on his cantaloupe. I guess I shouldn't be shocked - just because they are spanko doesn’t mean that they are completely normal!

More details about Saturday tomorrow.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Come back!

They left. That’s about the saddest thing I have ever written. I guess I can’t be sad, not really. The whole visit was just wonderful. I just don’t know how it could have been any better. We got to talk and talk and then we talked some more. We were relaxed. The worry that meeting face to face would somehow ‘change thing’ dissolved very quickly. It didn’t change unless it got better. One of the most special things to me was to be able to look right into her eyes. Sometimes we would do that and just grin because we knew; we knew what we were thinking. That was just fun, it made me smile.

Everything about the weekend was fun for me. Nothing surprised me, not really, I mean Eva and I have talked every day for almost a year so we have covered a lot of territory. So while one thing didn’t surprise me it was wonderful to see! You guys have absolute no idea how much Eva and Adam love each other! I love watching them together. Okay Eva has a blog, she tells us how much she loves Adam. But to get to watch him with her now that was fun.

I don’t mean to say that they run around like teenagers making out or something. They are an old married couple like us but I loved watching the way he would reach out and touch her, take her hand. I loved how he looked at her (lots of time when she wasn’t paying attention). I liked the way he talked to her, often teasing and picking at her but even better was the way he talked about her, you can tell how much he cares about her, it’s very, very special. I am telling you these two have it bad for each other.

There is a lot more to tell we are going to cover it all eventually although things will probably be popping up for quite. Being a detail whore myself I will start at the beginning and go through the whole visit but I have to organize my thoughts. But I wanted to post today. And I didn’t cry when they left, I almost did when each of my kids came and hugged me to see if I was okay. I’m okay. I’m fine but I’ll be better when she gets home and emails me!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Keeps getting better!

Unbelievable, totally unbelievable! My Twin and Adam are just as great as I expected them to be! No kids today, just us. We could finally talk and talk and talk and talk and… We have not run out of topics so far. Like Eva told you yesterday the guys talked too! We took Mollie babysitting and then went to meet them for breakfast. Then I took them on the tour of the high points of town (that took about 5 minutes) my school, the church, my parent's house – which I tried to sell them.

Back home I just went ahead and took the plunge. I brought out my toy box. What fun it was to share something I love so much with people who I knew would understand. They admired the contents and Adam said he was sorry he hadn’t brought their toys from the hotel but he didn’t know we were having show and tell!

We talked about everything! Of course this was the first time we had ever had a real discussion with other spanko about our chosen lifestyle. It felt wonderful! To totally be ourselves about what we thought and felt and liked and wanted. Honestly, even knowing Eva as well as I do I was expecting it to be a little uncomfortable face to face. Not so much with us but I just wondered how the guys would feel. But we all just talked, it wasn’t strange, it wasn’t uncomfortable. I was just friends talking! WONDERFUL!!

Yes as the day progressed we did some stuff that you might not have really expected us to do but you can read about that over at Eva’s site. But there were some things we did that you would have expected. We took some vanilla pictures and the guys did say we could post this one since we were in our natural habitat and were fully clothed. So don’t expect anything kinky, it’s just us being ourselves! I think we look very natural...

Yep it's really us...

And the best part is that we have all day Sunday too!!!!! I thought their visit would be great, it is fantastic!!!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm in Love!

Alright I am not shocked I already knew I loved Eva, but now I’m in love with Adam too! This is every bit as wonderful as I thought it was going to be! Tonight was meet the family night so we have barely gotten to speak a word without Mollie’s ears perking up. LJ and Collin were here too so the conversation was very vanilla. Tomorrow we will have a chance to really talk. This seems so unreal. Even though we couldn’t really talk every now and then we would just looked right at each other and just laugh. Mollie would be right there wanting to know “What are you laughing about?” Just before LJ left he sat beside me on the couch and with a dramatically serious look whispered “Tell me the truth Mom, they’re swingers aren’t they?” The way I laughed he may still be wondering!

I have much more to tell - this is going to be a great weekend!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Today's the Day!!

We are all planning to go out and eat tonight, Eva and Adam, Nick and I, LJ and Collin and Mollie. Now exactly what do my children know about why a nice couple, from several states away, that none of us have ever met are visiting. Well of course LJ know I have a blog. I don’t use the ‘B word’ in front of Mollie but occasionally Nick and LJ have. Mostly I have told them the truth that I have a group of friends on line, men and women, various ages, from all over our country and several others. They know we email each other and often write stories, sometimes funny, some time romantic, some about our families, our work… you know it’s just another way of saying a I have a spanko sex blog. I mean if they can’t read between the lines, well too bad for them!

I don’t know exactly when I’ll be posting again. I am having company you know and being on the computer while company is here would just be rude!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I think I'm ready

What else to do?? I have cleaned the house, brushed the dog, dyed my hair, dusted off the toy box (for show only), got a new shower curtain, Nick cleaned the carpet, Mollie cleaned the chinchilla’s cage, LJ is going to wash and clean out my car later today – can you think of anything else?? No?? Well I guess I will just sit here and tap my foot until they come!

I have found an up side to cleaning! I found something that I thought I had lost – my first edition copy of Nine and a half Weeks! I remember ordering it from a book club back in 1978. If you have only seen the movie you do not know anything abut the book. To say it was written for us is an understatement. Now the folks in the story didn’t have it exactly right and they would have benefited from all of our blogs to better understand their relationship. But it’s a book all spanko should read!! I was so fascinated when I first read it, I had never read anything like it before and even though I didn’t think anyone else knew about it I kept it hidden away, never out on the shelf! Now it’s on my shelf and it’s staying there. I found another book we all would enjoy and I will blog about it in the near future.

Soon, soon, soon!! My twin is coming!! And this time last year neither of us knew the other existed. Anyone who is a quiet lurker that feels like you don’t want to jump in because the rest of us all know each other so well and you feel like an outsider, please remember we ALL felt like the outsider when we first started commenting. I know that I sure did. Oh but look what I would have missed if I hadn’t taken the plunge!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer lovin'

The official summer celebration has begun! We were planning to celebrate my summer’s freedom on Monday morning when Mollie went to her job. But as usual plans change as she informed us she didn’t have to work until Tuesday. We switched our plans to Tuesday morning. But Monday night Mollie decided to spend the night at a friends and having the house to ourselves was just too tempting, celebrating began early! There was a great spanking and there was fantastic sex but maybe even better that that was the talking. We talked about our year, about some of the things we had tried and more exciting we talk about some thing we haven’t yet tried but we might! We talked about toys we might want to try. I did pretty well considering that my mind and vocal cords rarely work together when Nick and I are in bed. Maybe I spent too many years hiding what I wanted from him that it is still hard to say some things. But if I can’t always talk I can type so we will communicate.

The next morning after we got up and took care of a few house hold chores I found out the celebration was only beginning. Nick led me back to the bedroom when the toy box was laid out and a towel on the bed. I got to lay back as Nick shaved me – very nice! He then sent me to the shower (alone and I soon found out why). After my shower I settled back on the bed and Nick handed me the blindfold. A wonderful (if short) spanking followed when I then realized what he had been doing while I was in the shower. He was preparing more ginger. That stuff is hot everywhere you try it! We had one FINE morning!! Now this is what summer is all about!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer cleaning

Well the house is sorta clean, if everyone stays out of my bedroom that is. I worked on my bedroom this morning, and this afternoon and some this evening. You would think it would look better wouldn’t you. Okay maybe it does some but there is still a long way to go!

I’m not actually worried about what Eva and Adam will think of the house. I never really did, I knew it they thought it was awful they would never say anything. But summer is about the only time I clean anyway. In August I will again host our family reunion. This will be the 23 year. And this one should be a big one. We will have 4 and maybe 5 coming from California. Theresa, how close will Michael be to San Diego?? I have tons of family there.

I have to go into the school tomorrow and Wednesday too. The boss asked me to sit in on his interviews for the teaching positions that have to be filled for next year. I think it will be interesting. I have done this before. I am the senior classroom teacher at our school. In fact only 4 people on a campus of 93 employees have been there longer than I have. I suddenly feel very old! There are older teachers there, of course, but this will be my 19 year at the same school.

Sorry this wasn’t real exciting. The children have been around a lot lately. I am very happy, I love waking up slowly and having Nick there. We didn’t have that for the first 22 years of our marriage and it is still a constant source of delight for me! Having him around more the touching is such a wonderful part of my life these days.

We are on the count down now 4 more days!! Can you believe it??

It's Carye's day!

Happy Birthday Carye!

Carye I am here to wish you the happiest birthday ever. May your kids get along all day long! May Papa Shrek do all the cooking and cleaning and mostly may you get the best birthday spanking ever! We love you girl, you are one of us! And speaking of that this next part is written to Papa Shrek so Carye you stop reading – this is private!

Papa Shrek, how about a birthday present for Carye that I think she really wants and it won’t cost you a thing?? How about letting her start her own blog?? I know she doesn’t have time, I really do know that. But none of us would expect her to post all that often. We would be happy with a few times a month. We love her comments, we love the stories the both of you have shared, really we all just love Carye and want her to be our here with us if possible! Come on give her the chance, if she abuses the privilege you could always spank her!

I have had another birthday on my mind today, one that took place a long time ago. So let me tell you about a wonderful evening I had with the family Saturday night. My sister had taken all my parent’s old 8mm movie film to have it put on a DVD. The movies started just before my parents married in 1948 and went through my 2nd birthday in 1958. It was a little sad but mostly it was funny. My kid howled at the way I crawled (sitting up and scooting on my bottom instead of on all fours).

LJ and Mollie got to see, for the first time, many of my aunts as young vibrant women. Fashionably dressed in the forties style, looking truly elegant. My children had only known them as ancient little ladies in the nursing homes. It was such fun to point out all the different people that they know know now but would have never recognized. Five sisters, several of whom still attend our church, all playing around as little girls with their parents looking on.

We saw so many things I remembered, toys, furniture, dishes, figurines many which we have recently disposed of as we had the job of empting my folk’s house. But two things I saw really caught my imagination. They were filming my first birthday party. Mama sat my cake with my little candle in it and instead of going for the cake I held out my hand to my mom. I felt that way all my life. I just wanted her close. The second thing was one of my first birthday gifts. It was a soft, plush, lovely pink teddy bear. I had not remembered when I had gotten it. I do remember the bear being one of my best friends through out my childhood. As my kids watched me open the rest of my gifts I went back in my bedroom, reached up on my closet shelf and retrieved this same pink bear. It only has one eye now, it’s really not soft any more, it’s not plush and it’s barely pink but Mollie was fascinated to see this particular antique.

Like I said it was a little sad but mostly happy and funny. All in all it was a great way to spend the afternoon with my little family.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Vacation begins...

Today was my first official day of summer vacation! I loved it!! Of course it would have been better if Nick had stayed in bed and cuddled instead of playing golf! But we do have all summer. I am having a baby shower here tomorrow so I have spent much of the day cleaning, with major help from Nick when he got home.

Now that everything is looking pretty good I may not let the family back in until its time for Eva and Adam to get here next Friday! I just can’t wait!!!! I have been keeping up with my twin in there travels. They seem to be having a ball! We have been doing a little texting and she does have the lap top with her. I did get to talk to her for a minute today when she called to ask what red eye gravy was. Poor ignorant Yankee!

Thanks to all of you who have been writing me to keep me from being so lonely without Eva around to listen to my ramblings. I keep asking her “Are you here yet?” So far, no. But a week from today! Next Friday and they will be here! I feel like a kid counting down to Christmas! Do you know we are still nervous about meeting? You would think we were kids with some of the dumb things that are playing around in our minds. I think we would both like to lose weight and have a complete make over before we meet. I want the house to be perfect. I want to learn everything about the computer so Eva won’t think I am dumb when I ask here to sit with me and go over a few things. Yes we are both old enough to know these things don’t matter but they are still there.

Adam is still a mystery! I have seen picture. I have heard his voice and of course I have read the comments he has left. But talking with him seeing the two of them together – I just can't quite imagine it! It will be interesting to see how the guys interact. I feel that the deep down basic belief that their wives are a bit strange in their deepest desires will help them with the initial bond, but after that who knows where the conversation will lead. What ever happens it’s going to me fun!

Someone else is pretty excited too. Mollie gets to hear my end of some of the phone conversations that Eva and I have. They have even spoken a time or two and occasionally have email a message or two through me. Mollie always refers to her as “my little friend”. Eva’s ring will sound on my phone and Mollie rolls her eyes and says “Your little friend is calling!” She just better remember my ‘little friend’ had raised 3 daughters already and teaches high school math! Together we might be Mollie’s worse nightmare!! But I can tell Mollie is dying to meet her. Dying to meet the woman who has captured my imagination and bring such a grin to my face when her ring sounds on my phone. But while I am looking forward to them meeting, after they meet, how do I get rid of Mollie so that we can talk!! I would like all of us to go out one night LJ and Collin too. But eventually I want to be able to talk without the kids around. Oh well, I will work it out some how.

I am just so excited!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I just wanted a peek...

I know it’s tacky to go into someone’s home and go through their luggage
before they leave on a trip, but what the heck. I just couldn’t help wondering what kind of things you would need for 2 weeks or so. And sure I was curious about the toys they might pack – but who knew they would pack 4 suitcase of nothing but toys!

I really liked the costumes! French maids outfit, naughty nurse uniforms, cheer leader complete with pom poms, the cowgirl outfit was pretty nice and well as the Indian princess. Let me guess what the feathers are for! Adam is going to look pretty hot in his clothes. I like the cowboy outfit a lot but really for my taste the spurs are going a bit too far. I also think he will look exceptionally handsome in the cop outfit. Of course I think real cops have metal handcuffs, not leather ones.

Two full bags of crops, paddles, belts, spoons, slippers, hairbrushes, slappers, flyswatters, backscratchers, rulers… I hope they have a sunroof! It doesn’t look like Adam plans on Eva doing much sitting on the trip!

Now the 4th suitcase was truly interesting. What do two people need with so much lube?? I mean do they have extra in case of car trouble or what?? Here was where I found the ropes, the clamps the plugs and of course the Hitachi! Well they certainly do plan on have having fun on this trip. There was even and empty suitcase for the toy they plan on picking up along the way. I didn’t see any regular clothes packed (I do hope those bag were up stairs).

All and all I guess it was pretty normal stuff or a spanko couple going on vacation. But some things I found in the costume bag has me curious. Eva has ever said anything that makes me think she is a switch but the leather corset, the thigh high leather boots with the stiletto heels and the little whip with the tassel… I don’t think Adam knows about this side of her. This could really be an interesting trip!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Now that it's here...

What I want to do on my Summer Vacation

Meet Eva and Adam

Have wild, crazy, passionate sex

Get spanked with extreme frequency

Go to the beach

Have LJ get a job

Send Mollie to camp

Read the new Harry Potter book

Have more spanking and sex

Skinny dip in the pool

Lose weight

Try ginger again

Blog, blog, blog, blog, blog…

Have more spankings and sex

Get to meet all my blogging friends

Lose weight

Sleep late

Have lots of alone time with Nick

Eat mindlessly all day without gaining weight

Get all organized and prepared for the next school year

(fat chance)

Be lazy, lazy, lazy

Read the new Miss Julia book

Have more spankings and sex

What I want for my friends during my summer vacation

I want Eva and Adam to have a wonderful trip and decide to move south

I want Reesa to post faster

I want Theresa to write more Danny and Mayye stories

I want Tiggr back to normal (I mean her normal) getting spanked and writing full steam

I want Grace to spend lots of time with the family and even more alone with Bossman

I want CeeCi to get her libido back so strong she can’t write for squirming in her chair

I want Cassie and Tom to host a party for all of us in blogland to get together

I want Paul to relocate to the States, preferably the southeast

I want Bonnie to never run out of steam for spanking or blogging about it

I want Maggie to once again talk to MrC who loves the idea and keeps her too sore to sit

I want Emerald Eyes and Cm to have a beautiful wedding and a fantastic marriage

I want Todd and Suzy to have so much privacy for spanking that they both lose weight from it

I want Suzq to relive fond memories, enjoy old friend and make many new one

I want Padme and Anakin to have the time and energy to get all they need from each other

I want Sky to come back and say hello

I want Sar to have lots of adventures to write about and the time to write them

I want Carye to play hard with the kids all day so that they are all asleep by 8:00 then she and Papa Shrek can play

I want Mthc and David to get a boat so David with have a place to play with that awful paddle besides our parties

I want Dave to find out his job and his son will be moving to Cindy’s town

I want Spanky and Kallisto to have all the time they want for each other and the time and desire to write about it

Really is this too much to ask?

The beautiful picture of the beach was taken by Rolf Hicker – Hicker Nature Photography. Obviously a very talented photographer! My thanks!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Fire and Ice

It’s over!!! Can you say happy, relaxed, ecstatic, tickled, and euphoric!! I am feeling all that and this doesn’t even have anything to do with the end of school!

The last week of school and all that was happening caused me to forget that yesterday was Thursday! I am still supposed to write Nick each Thursday and this week I let it get away from me. Woops! I knew he had asked me to do it but I honestly didn’t think he would say anything if I skipped a week or just let it go altogether. Wrong! Evidently he still cares about what I have to say each week because after I got home from my last day and had my nap Nick asked “Wasn’t yesterday Thursday?” That was the first time this week I thought of it all week.

Nick said “Come with me” and he led me to the bedroom. He said “I want that assignment done each week, no excuses!” He started off with the little wooden paddle ball paddle and worked he was through the leather paddle on to the flogger. He did something new with the flogger. Part of the time he used it to flog my back. Now I had read about others doing this and my thought at the time was “I don’t think so!” It did not sound appealing to me. But I loved it! He was using it with only moderate force and it was like a wonderful massage.

Soon he left the room. Now every spanko knows that that causes your mind to spin and every nerve ending in the body to wonder what he is up to. I am no different. He came back in and began rubbing ice all over my burning bottom as well as a few other places that were burning in other ways. I wondered if he was going for a wet bottom spanking but he left the room again which left me wondering even more.

He was soon back and he most definitely had a way to spice up the afternoon further. Cindy, I was spared the embarrassment of having the checkers at the store wonder why I was buying ginger, Nick had gone out and bought some himself!! Well now this was new!! Reports on figging have not been exaggerated – it’s HOT! It’s very hot! The only thing hotter is that Nick bought it, prepared it and used it with out any prompting from me. For me that was the hottest thing! It was intense and so was the love making! I will have to say that I did most of my happy teacher dance horizontally but boy was it fun!!

After this wonderful afternoon he took me out to dinner. Who in the world could ask for a more perfect last day of work?? I am through teaching and have my whole summer to look forward to! Nick has made it clear that he is serious about knowing what I am thinking. This was important to me, I have still been hesitant about totally opening up, not really sure he wanted to know. Evidently he does. That’s hot! And with my talking and him listening who knows where the summer might lead??

And if all of this isn’t wonderful enough – EVA AND ADAM ARE COMING!!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

It's here!

One more, one more day, one more day! Do you realize how wonderful that sounds to me?? Who is doing the happy dance now Grace?? Do you remember how you tormented Eva and me with the ‘happy mommy dance’ well we are the ones dancing now!! Woo-Hoo!! I do have to go 4 days next week but with no kids it is no problem at all. And then home sweet home for the summer!

No question what to do first! Get the house ready for Eva and Adam!! I am not kidding when I say what a lousy house keeper, I am. I and I do know that they are not coming all this way to see my house – but still I want it to look good. I don’t mind telling everyone I’m a slob I just don’t want them to think that they have stumbled into the town dump. Besides, if Eva isn’t around all day to talk to me I will be bored and looking for things to do!

Deeeeeeeeep breath! Here I go! ONE MORE DAY!!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I got the following email from a friend in real life and I immediately thought of my friends here and even though it speaks of women there are wonderful men out here that fit this too…

Life happens.

Distance separates.

Children grow up.

Jobs come and go.

Love waxes and wanes.

Men don't do what they're supposed to do.

Hearts break.

Parents die.

Colleagues forget favors.

Careers end.

BUT - Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles

are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by

yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering

you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf,

and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you, or

come in and carry you out.

Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in- law, sisters,

sisters-in-law, mothers, grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins and

extended family all bless our life.

When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the

incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead, nor did we know how much we

would need each other.

Every day, we need each other still.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Thursday Magic

Okay I have promised you some details about last Thursday. I was certainly expecting nothing exciting in the way of fun and games. I was happy because testing was over. School wasn’t over yet, but at least the super stress was behind me. LJ had volunteered at my school for 3 days so once it was over he was off to his own pursuits and I don’t expect to see him until late Sunday. I took Mollie to her babysitting job and without giving a thought to having the house to ourselves I headed to the gym.

I worked hard at the gym I came home tired but relaxed. Nick came to me and kissed me the minute I walked in the door. He said “You must be hot after all that exercise.” So he began taking off my clothes right in the living room. In minutes I was striped and he took me over to the couch put me across his knee. With all of our wonderful toys – crops, paddles, the tawse, flyswatters, wooden spoon, and many more, I often forget just how wonderful a hand spanking can be. It was like a wonderful birthday spanking – only I’m not that old!! Those last few were hard! And I was feeling wonderful.

He said a cool shower would be next. I went into the bath where he had candles lit – so romantic! Nick joined me in the shower used my favorite vanilla soap to wash all the good parts. The cool shower felt great but it still made my freshly spanked butt sting. As I got out I thought Nick was handing me my glasses but instead he handed me our blind fold.

In the bedroom I turned toward the bed but Nick turned me in the other direction, toward the door. Standing there naked and blindfolded I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was surprised when he slipped my wrist into two pre tied loops and hooked my arms over my head to the door! Nick then started spanking me with the leather paddle. He said “I got a call from the school today” (a total lie) “that said you had been surly and hateful to students and co-workers alike this week.” (okay, that part was true!) “They wanted me to see if I could straighten you out!” (You give it your best shot, big boy!) I was ready to do the spanking dance when he stopped and freed my hands and lead me toward the bed.

I lay on the bed still blindfolded listening to Nick rummage thought the toy box. The tawse comes out next, that one thing I can tell by feel and I think there were other things but I really can’t tell you for sure. I felt extremely well spanked when Nick took a break and gave me the vibrator as he got out the lube we use for anal play. As I used the vibrator Nick used the plug to heighten the sensation to almost more than I could stand.

He took me from behind and it was incredible. Each thrust brought unbelievable waves of pleasure. My ass was burning and the plug adds its own unbelievable sensation to the experience. Through all of this I hear Nick close to my ear breathing “When did you get so hot?” Me? I am married to the hottest man I know. The afternoon was one for the record book!

I think we both slept when it was over and I woke in Nick’s arms with him smiling at me. I was no longer worried about a few more days at school. I wasn’t worried about anything, I may never worry again! I think it’s going to be another great summer!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

GOOD morning!

Good Saturday morning to everyone, and I mean GOOD! Nick took Mollie to her babysitting job this morning and like the good little wife I am I got up and got on the computer. I mean, duh… it was time for breakfast how else could I eat if not checking the blogs and speaking to Eva? Finally a while after Nick returned I reluctantly closed the computer and said “I guess that there are other things I could be doing.” And again like a good wife, I started folding laundry. Nick said “Well since the basket has been there since Thursday maybe you should have done that before you got on the computer this morning.” I don’t know where the man gets these strange ideas!

After putting the laundry away I tackled the box of picture Nick had brought from my parent’s house. Going through old pictures with the goal of getting rid of as many as possible is not one of my favorite things to do so I have been slow about it. It was fun coming across some of our candid wedding shots. I finally got to the bottom of the box with a small stack I wanted to keep and Nick is always good to quickly get rid of the other stack so that I won’t change my mind.

I then turned my mind to what else needed to be done today. I have some writing to do here. I have to make up the new 7th grade classes for next year; I have to type the list of rising 6th graders which is tedious and time consuming. I want to go to the gym. So I decided to start the way I usually do – I’ll make of list of what needs to be done! I like doing this it feel like I am getting organized yet I can still sit on my butt and basically do nothing. Nick however had a different idea.

As I was grabbing for my pen he said “Now I didn’t want to interrupt your folding and picture sorting but I still need to talk to you about leaving that laundry sitting around for so long.” Gulp! He led me back to the bedroom where the leather paddle was waiting. His warm up was quite effective, I was warm all over! Once he decided to take off my shorts he switched to the tawse. That thing stings!! He was saying something about me being old enough to know to put away the laundry sitting right by my chair with out being told, or something like that… does any one really listen to the scolding part. I like it I just don’t always remember. I do remember him removing my panties though. And the tawse then made a very lasting impression!

By then Nick was nude too and as he knelt on the bed I thought it was time to distract him and as I took him in my mouth it seemed to do the trick! BJ are definitely becoming more fun for me and you know he seems to like them too. Of course he wasn’t distracted enough to forget the spanking entirely. I got a few more stripes as I practiced my technique. Did I say it was a GOOD morning? Well it was!

Now as much fun as this was I have been holding out on you guy because I have not told you about last Thursday! WOW! It was incredible and it deservers the time to write it well. So check back I will have it up in a day or two. Such a busy time for a teacher, but I am dying to write about that day. And I want to do Triggr’s meme about the books. And I have several other posts swirling in my head. I am sure by the time I have time to write I will be blocked again but I am trying to make notes!

I have 5 more days with kids and 4 more with out. I think I am going to make it. Then I can think nice thoughts about Eva agan!