Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Of course I lifted this from Eva and Theresa. I like the idea. I hope to hear from of my friends to see what things might come to their minds but I am also hope to hear from some of my silent readers if you are out there. Sometimes I flip back through he blog and think to myself – did I say that? So if anything has stuck in your memory please let me know.


If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want -- good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.


  1. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Gee, there's an awful lot I could say here... my favorite memory is my first memory of you when you asked me to get out of your head cuz it was getting crowded with both of us in there. The parties have been fun also. More than anything I love the day to day bantering back and forth. Yes, there have been many memories made already but mostly I look forward to the ones to come!!


  2. I remember you telling Eva to get out of your head too.

    That is what I remember the most. You sense of humor. It is not only great but unique. You are quick!

    I also remember the gym and the Friday weigh in's.

    On and the very beginnings of PK were priceless!


  3. PK, one of my favourite memories is how you acquired the nickname PK, that was a hoot and how you asked me to read Eva's blog and comment, I'm so glad that I did.
    Love you pussy kat.
    Warm hugs,

  4. I remember a wonderful package arriving in the mail. I was so excited to receive it and was amazed by the beautiful things I found inside. Holding each one in my hands I could feel your energy and cheerful creativity coming from them. The biggest is always in view and at those moments I need to gather my thoughts while writing I find myself gazing at it and thinking how cool it is that someone as wonderful as you has become a part of my life!

    Big Hugs
    ♥ CeeCi

  5. Where to start, where to start?

    There was the time we went out with Eva for a girls night out and we...

    Oh better not say what we we did THAT night...

    How about the night you, Theresa and I went down to the lake and....

    Well, that is definately better left unsaid!

    I guess I could mention the "party" you threw at my house while I was away....

    Well, you know how I hate thinking, so I'll just say I like the PK face the best!!!!


  6. PK,
    I don't even know where to start! We have so much in common. I loved the party at Graces and at your house! I love your blog and everything you say. I love being diet partners with you! You keep me inspired and on track. I love sharing email and everything with you! I loved how you got your name and how caring and loving you are with your husband. it shows through in everything you do.

    You're the best!

    Your friend,

  7. Eva,
    Like you I am looking forward to the one to come!

    Eva and all the rest of you live permanently in my head. But it's okay I set up some cots!

    I do love my name and I am so glad you read Eva!

    Thank you! Since I know through your photography you surround yourself with lovely things I am honored that a little bit of me can reside there.

    I am glad you had the sense to stop yourself from spilling too much! Nick would probably say he sees plenty of the PK face!

    Bless your heart! I am proud that you think we have a lot in common.

  8. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Wow... tough to pick one thing. What we enjoy most is being in on your little secret. Your very 'normal' day-to-day life, filled with many of the same challenges we face... reads like many other non-spanking blogs. We enjoy that, following your daily tribulations and triumphs. Of course, sprinkled into that is a healthy dose of spanking! And we like being in on that little secret that would probably shock many.

    ~Todd & Suzy

  9. Well, being new to this blog I have nothing yet to remember you for. However I hope that will change, and I do 'know' what I think now. That the first time you left a comment on my blog, I thought you seemed/sounded like a very nice and bubbly person - who I would love to get to know more about!
    Well I guess that is a memory, but I still think it lol.
    Also is this 'how you got the name PK' story, somewhere on the blog for me to read? *grins*
    Love this memory idea, so well done to those who started it and continue it!
    Em x

  10. You and Eva discovering each other... you discovering all of us... us learning of your varying PK moods and expressions, your wonderings and worryings over Ncik and the whole spanking, DD thing...

    SO much... so grateful... so proud to call you my friend!


  11. Todd and Suzy,
    I am glad you like the secrets you know about. And the ones you don't know are probably even more interesting!

    I am glad you are around I know you will like all the crazies around this corner of blogland!

    Ah, the PK story. Go back and read Tiggr FF story on Sept. 29, 2006. That started it all. Then go to the next Monday Oct. 2 when Tig revealed be sure to catch the comments. Then hop over to Eva at Nothing Random and see her post for that monday. That is where it all started and I have been PK (pissed kitty) ever since!

    All those have been good memories for me too. I still have many of the same wonders and worries and I am still most grateful for all of you!!


  12. Wahoo, ok I found out the inside story now lol. And I love your name, the FF on Tiggs site have always been fun then huh?!
    Have a great weekend,

    Em x
