Thursday, February 01, 2007

Snow Day!

We did it, we did it!! First time in two years but we got off for snow! Eva probably wants to throttle me since she gets 6 feet of snow every day for 6 months and we didn’t get enough to cover my carport but too bad for her, I still got a snow day.

Being a true southern I participated in a great southern tradition yesterday evening. Mention snow and we all in mass run to the grocery store for bread and milk!

Well that’s not really true, I tend to run out for chips and dip, Sundrop, cookies, pizza, pudding, popcorn, brownie mix, peanuts, cupcakes, honeybuns, marshmallows, hot chocolate, and a variety of other junk foods. Unfortunately, I am in the process of trying to lose weight. So did I think about that while I was at the grocery store? Yes I did! Did I buy food to help me continue my weight loss? No I didn’t! I mean its cold, don’t we need our insulation?? Evidently Nick doesn’t think so because as we unpacked the groceries he reminded me I have to weigh in the morning snow or no snow!

Things are pretty pleasant at home. Now my snow day is not quite the one that Eva portrayed. Mostly because Mollie is here with us but she is going skiing tomorrow night so we might get some alone time yet!

One little thing happened last night that was fun. Although it’s cold I still don’t sleep in anything but as I tried to get settled last night there was something wrong with the sheet. I got up and tried to fix it from the foot of my side and got back in be again but it still wasn’t right. So I tried to fix it by crawling around to get it where it was supposed to be. Nick finally gave me two hard pops and laughed and told me to be still! He then spooned around me to get me warm as well as to keep me still. It was just a little thing but I did go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Well here's hoping for a delay tomorrow!


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    PK, I bet Eva is ticked that you got a snow day. We're expecting some of that snow tomorrow so I was at the grocery today and it was a bit busier than normal. Weather - seems to rule our lives, doesn't it?

    Hope you enjoyed your day off.


  2. PK enjoy your snow day off, maybe Nick will manage more than just a couple of pops. Anyway best of luck. Friday I hope to find a happily purring kat.
    Warm hugs,

  3. OH PK PK that is so great! I love those little smacks all day long. To me they make this a lifestyle not just foreplay. Although foreplay is nice!

    Well we told Eva to move! Oh well! We only got darkness, rain and cold cold cold here! No snow no ice here today!

    So what did you do on your snow day?

    I don't run to the store for snow days. We just live off of snow cream. But your list cracked me up.

    Second time I wrote this ...darn blogger! Post it for me!


  4. huh now it works!

  5. Debbie,
    No more snow than we got I guess Eva thinks southerns are nuts!

    I love hearing from you!

    Thanks! It was a lovely day and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

    I had a lovely relaxing day! Didn't do much. And I am with you on the little smacks making it feel like a lifestyle. I just love it!!

    What in the heck is wrong with blogger now??? Can't comment on Grace, Eva, Bonnie, and Tiggr. But then I got on Cassie, Theresa, Dave and Cindy and A.S.S.

    Blogger is such a butt!

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Go ahead... pour salt on my wounds. It takes way more snow that what I've seen this year to get us off school for a day. It's not happened for a couple years now. What's worse though is that I had to work late tonight and well... I just got home and I'm going to bed because I'm pretty sure there will be no snow day here tomorrow.

  7. Woo Hoo!! We got one snow day here so far! But it was about 7 inches of snow for us! Lucky you! I remember the days living as a southerner! We followed the tradition in Knoxville,TN anytiime it was predicted snow!


  8. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Now wasn't that great? Schools were already closing last night before we got the first drop of precip. My shopping trip was to the wine store.

    What I want to know.... did you eat ALL that junk food today?

    *hugs* SuzyQ

  9. Sorry Twin, you know I love you!

    It seems like we go nuts here when the weather man uses the s word. We even got a delay this morning of 2 hours!

    Of course I didn't eat it ALL yesterday. I had to save some for the delay this morning.


  10. Sounds like the perfect morning for an even more perfect day... details, woman, DETAILS!!!!

    Love you... and yeah, Eva should just quit whining and MOVE!!!!
