Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A star is born!

Okay, I have held off as long as I could and now I just have to do it! I have to brag on my son just a bit more. First, although he has never mentioned any classes to me except his acting classes he managed to get 4 A’s and 2 B’s this first semester. Now remember my son’s goal is to be a working actor on Broadway. I think there are other careers that might have offered him more job security but his life is not mine to try to control.

He was one of only 5 freshman cast in a play his first semester at college. He was fantastic in the play – okay he only had 2 lines but he was still the best! After the play he was asked by two upper classmen to be in their one acts. It was for their directing class and they get to pick their actors. He only had 8 days to learn both parts. Meanwhile there were tryouts of the second semester play.

He was cast again! One of only 2 freshmen to be cast both semesters! Finally he is in a play I want to see! He did some terrible plays in high school. Shakespeare (and lets face it, high school Shakespeare is awful most of the time). They also did the Crucible – a cheerful little play! But this is a comedy and he has a small but funny part. His best friend at college got the female lead.

After the play tryouts were over he began getting ready to auditions for the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program (BFA). Usually around 40 try out but only 12 are chosen. Of course he made it!! These 12 will be in an intensive program together for the next 3 ½ years. The last semester of the program they go to New York to put on a performance for agents and talent scouts there.

When my boy is on Broadway I will come out of hiding and maybe we can all meet in New York and go to the premier together!


  1. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Way to go LJ!!!!

  2. Well it is obvious he has talent!
    Wonder were he got his dramatic gene from?


  3. Wow! Congrats to you both!!

    Down the road I'll be able to say, hey! I've talked with his mom about spanking! heh!

    Best wishes to him!


  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

    That's fantastic, Elis!! Congratulations to him!

  5. Hay PK it's lovely to see you so proud of your son
    I wish him and you all the happiness you can bear.
    Warm hugs,

  6. Awww, your son and my daughter may one day be in the same Broadway play together!!!

    HOORAY for him...and his MOM!


  7. Eva,
    Your nephew is coming right along!

    He must get it from his sister, she is the real drama queen!

    Maybe People Magazine will want to interview us all someday!

    This is the part that makes the pregnancy worthwile.

    I stand in awe that this talented man is the little boy I raised.

    Thanks, Grace, Now having them in the same play could bring spanko bloggers from all over the world to watch our kids! Wouldn't that be fun!!


  8. Awww that is cool. And, yes Broadway's crazy. Can be worse then hollywood at times. Congrats and good luck!!!!!

  9. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Wow... great news! Awesome that he's just in college, but to be doing that well is really something else.

    ~Todd & Suzy
