Sunday, December 31, 2006

You're the best!

Happy New Year! 2006 has been fantastic I am excited about what 2007 will bring. I know many of us take the time at New Year to realign our priorities. I know that I am probably the only one out here that does this, but I occasionally spend a bit more time at the computer than I should. I have on rare occasion put off some task around the house that I should be taking care of, just to have more time to blog. Let me reassure you that I intend to keep on doing this because I love it and so far I have been able to get away with it!

Everyone has to decide for himself or herself how much time they should devote to blogging but should anyone ever think “Gee, I shouldn’t be wasting so much time here” let me tell you – none of your time has been wasted! I have learned from every blog I have ever read and of course form Paul and his comments! I have gotten friendship, acceptance, love and guidance from this community. My life is better because of all of you people! I am a better person because of all of you!

If laughter is the best medicine you have kept me healthy while nearly ruining my screen! I think a new rule for a new year should require a mandatory spew warning when necessary! Both my reading and writing has also provided a place to release tears, which in combination with the laughter is an extremely healthy way to spend my time.

Nick is the one that has made the year great but all of you helped me change so that I can open up to him and allow this wonderful man to be the hero in my life. He was always willing but because of all of you I have gained the courage to let him in.


Saturday, December 30, 2006

What not to do.

When you feel unsettled, a little mad, slightly depressed and there is no apparent reason for any of it let me give you some pointers on how not to spend your day.

Don’t take one little thing that is annoying or bugging you and keep turning it over in your head until it gets bigger and bigger, way bigger than it needs to be.

Don’t spend the day in a house full of people trying to avoid talking to anyone. For one thing you will realize that no one really cares if you are talking or not and it will hurt your feelings.

When you take your daughter and a friend to pick up some lunch don’t spend the time waiting for them staring into a close-up mirror seeing every wrinkle, sag, dark circle, gray roots, etc

Don’t take the Christmas tree down by yourself and think that the little hands that made many of the ornaments probably won’t be living here in a few years.

Don’t beat yourself too much when you just chicken out and can’t make yourself go alone to the funeral of a former student who died of cancer two days after Christmas and was the same age as your daughter. God bless you Nathan.

Don’t listen to your ipod – this means all the music you care about because nearly every song has the potential to make you cry. And you don’t want to do that because you might not stop.

If I did anything right today it was emailing Eva who kept me from sinking further down. So I can add one more don't. Don't ignore good advice when you get it.

Friday, December 29, 2006

What was that again?

This is a rerun. I wrote this response to a question that Bonnie asked back in July. Bonnie has also pointed out that she wrote some really good stuff in the very early days of her blog before many people had become daily readers. I like that she republished some of these good stories because I might have missed them otherwise.

I wish everyone would do that! I have only been here for 6 months. Even those sites I read every day I haven’t had the time to go back and read all the good stuff I know is there. How about it folks, take the time to look back through your own blog and republish a few posts that you think are good but that many of us might have missed.

I love Bonnie for asking this question. Not for the chance to tell what I hope my blog with say to other, but so that I can understand it myself. So here goes.

What are the 10 things, thoughts, or ideas you would most like readers to take away from your blog?

1. If you are turned on by spanking (and you know who you are) tell your partner today! Do not waste one more minute. The worse he could say is – not interested, and you have lost nothing.

2. People who love spanking are very normal people. We are nurses, teachers, secretaries, lawyers. We look after our kids, sometimes our parents; we teach Sunday school and bake cookies for school parties. We are NORMAL!

3. Being spanked by someone you love and trust make you feel cherished, safe and loved in a way that nothing else can.

4. In a spanking relationship, the relationship becomes the core of your life. Other things like work, neighbors, chores, errands, etc. are just things you do. Real life is you and your partner.

5. If this has always be a fantasy and you are just getting ready to try it for real you need to know: Spankings hurt!! They can hurt like hell. But you will still love the experience and the feeling afterwards money can’t buy!

6. Sex after a spanking is the greatest thing since sliced bread! It’s your birthday, it’s Christmas morning, it’s winning the lottery. This is coming from someone who simply hated sex, I loved my husband, but I hated sex. Now I can’t get enough. I have the most happy, stunned husband on the planet.

7. Be understanding of other people’s chosen lifestyle. People are different, that’s a good thing. Some would say I’m a pervert for this kink. I’m not. My husband and I love each other and hurt no one. Be understanding of other and live and let live.

8. Look for toys where ever you can find them. Kitchen supply stores, hardware stores, pet supply stores. Always be on the lookout for items that would not attract attention in the bedroom. Fly swatters, belts, slippers, back scratches. Remember your kids are everywhere, many toys can’t be left out but these can.

9. Men if you are reading here please don’t let us down. If we have finally told you that this is what we want and need, understand that we have probably been thinking about this, dreaming about this for years. It’s not a spur of the moment request. We want it, we yearn for it, and we need it. You are the only one we trusted with this embarrassing secret. If you try it once and then stop, we may never have the courage to bring it up again and we are going to feel a bit rejected, a bit lonely and a bit sad.

10. Men can’t read our minds. I know that is stupid of them, but they are only men, so cut them some slack. We can’t give up either. Talk with them, explain things to them, tell them which blogs to read. I can’t look at my husband and talk to him about this yet but I email him a lot! I can get going with words. He seems to love it. If it’s not working out like you expected – keep working at it, it’s worth it. Don’t give up!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I think I'm back!

Nick didn’t let me worry about Elis being gone for too long. Our kids must have messed up their well laid plans to never leave us alone because they slipped up and both went to spend the night with friend Tuesday night.

Even after the kids left I was wondering – I mean we were both tired, really tired. But as Eva told me men are rarely that tired and sure enough we were soon on the way to the bedroom to cuddle. I gave Nick 2 items that I hoped will reside in the bedroom permanently. One was a pair of soft leather work gloves the other was a really pretty wooded spoon.

Happily I was soon cuddled across his lap and he was trying out the ‘work gloves’. I mean I would never want him to hurt his hand! At first it seemed like a joke, like the furry side of the leather paddle. It just felt too soft to do any good. But as he kept it up that warm feeling seemed to build nicely. It was a wonderful warm up!

Next came the spoon. Ouch! Now that thing packs a sting! But its one drawback is that it must create redness quickly and that always causes Nick to stop way too soon. Will he ever get over the fear of hurting me?? Never mind, other than that he is perfect!

We went on to pay with the vibrator and the plug, two of my favorites. It was a wonderful evening and so needed. This might be better than when the kids move away. Now we never know when we might find ourselves alone and we almost always take advantage of it. I am not sure what we’ll do when we could be together any time. Of Course I am willing to find out in a few years!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Has anyone seen a...

I have see lots of folks this Christmas season, my kids, my sister, brothers and sisters-in-laws, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews, the whole world it seems! But there is a missing person and I miss her terribly. Has anyone seen Elis? I just haven’t seen her around lately I’ve seen a mother/wife/sister/niece/aunt/teacher running around here but the real person I’ve come to know as Elis has been scarce.

The holidays have been fun but just too busy. I haven’t expected much play time but I don’t feel like we have even had time to talk. All this is still too new for me to take it for granted. I feel it would be so easy to fall back into old patterns, that thought scares the fool out of me! So while I love the excitement of the holidays and seeing the people, I want us back! I need a spanking, I want a spanking, I want alone time with Nick, I want to make love with our bedroom door open and be able to make noise if we want to! I am hoping that Nick misses Elis too.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

I want to wish the very merriest Christmas to all my friends here. I have feelings for everyone who has ever left a comment and to everyone that I have commented on their blog. But I have made very special friends here too. Eva, my dear twin, who made me realize that people out here were as real as anyone in real life and could become just as good a friend. Now I have many, many other friends here and all of you helped to make my 2006 wonderful and I look forward to our visits in 2007. Love and Merry Christmas to all of you CeeCi, Theresa, Suzq, Grace, Paul, Sky, Tiggr, Cassie, Maggie, Sar and Cowboy, Bonnie, Reesa, Snow, Carye, Todd and Suzy, Dave and Cindy and to those I will think to add as soom as I post, and to Nick the best man in the world.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Holiday Meme

I love stealing a good holiday meme at Christmas! Thanks to all those I stole it from. Merry Christmas everyone.

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate.

Egg Nog, I don’t really like hot drinks.

2. Does Santa wrap the presents or just set
them under the tree?

He doesn’t wrap, just puts them out. He thought about wrapping everything thing this year but when I told Mollie she was horrified so I guess he won’t be wrapping.

3. Colored or white lights on the tree/house?

We have recently gone to all white.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?


5. When do you put up your decorations?

Very small house so I usually wait until the 2nd week in December.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish?

Pumpkin pie!

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child?

Daddy always went into the living room first “to see if Santa left anything”. We were to wait until he turned on the lights. If he did we could come in, if the lights didn’t come on we should just go back to bed. He was going in to get the movie camera and his huge flood lights ready. This continued as long as we lived at home. Once dad snuck out the other door and was headed back to bed, we caught him and sent him back in!

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?

What truth?

9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?

We do with Nick’s family. Then the four of us on Christmas morning, later on Christmas day we open with my family.

10. How do y
ou decorate your Christmas tree?

Lots of Hallmark ornaments. Many of these are very special to me. I also have some in cross stitch made by my sister and lots with my kid’s pictures on them when they were little.

11. Snow! Love or Dread it?

I LOVE it! I get to roll over and go back to sleep.

12. Can you ice skate?

Nope and I don’t plan on trying, I like my bones intact and exactly where they are!

13. Do
you remember your favorite gift?

I loved real baby dolls that I could dress them and change the diapers. I wanted to really make believe it was a real baby. But I also loved toy guns. We have one picture of me at about 7 years old where I have a baby doll in one arm and a machine slung over the other!

14. What is the most important thing about the Holidays for you?

Being with the family.

15. Favorite holiday dessert?

Like I said before, pumpkin pie. Just give me the pie and the whip cream and I’ll skip the rest of the meal.

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

Having everyone in the family together.

17. What tops your tree?

Usually an angle in a blue dress.

18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?

Giving, but I am also a big kid and I like receiving too!

19. What is your favorite Christmas song?

What Child is This

20. Candy Canes?

Nope, don’t like them.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Help with the mystery

I know most of us are spending our time in Christmas preparation or enjoying our families, so I know there are few of you out there to help answer the problem that is plaguing me. I know this is a time of wonder, magic, and the mystery of things seen and unseen. Normally that is a great part of Christmas but one mystery is not fun, it’s not wondrous, it’s just plain aggravating! So someone, please someone, tell me how in the heck I can sit at one spot, not move for hours, no one else around, quietly wrapping packages and loose the frigging tape and scissors 10 to 20 times!!! To me this ranks right up there with how Santa gets up and down the chimney and how he makes it to every house in one night. Maybe this doesn’t happen to anyone but me.

Okay I took my break, back to wrapping. If I can find those darn things… wait now where is my pen??

Monday, December 18, 2006

Z End

End of the alphabet. Thanks to CeeCi I have given more thought to the things I was grateful for than I have in a long time. This has been a wonderful concept and I will forever be grateful to her.

Zealous, Zeal, Zest This is the way everyone should feel about their life. And although my life is not perfect, and I get tired and cranky and ill tempered I still have more of these three Z’s than I have ever had before. For that I am very grateful!

ZicamThis is the product that claims to stop or lessen the effects of the common cold. I’m grateful that it seems to work for me most of the time.

ZincThe active ingredient in Zicam.

ZooThe good kind that work to preserve animals and their habitat.

Zero Very useful for a math teacher.

Zany Everyone need to act this way from time to time!

ZoneOh that perfect spanking can really get me in the zone and I love it!!

Zipper Wouldn’t you hate to deal with buttons all the time?

Zebra A beautiful animal, wild but loveable, it seems gentle and friendly.

ZucchiniAlright to be completely truthful I am not really grateful for zucchini but Eva seems to like to make soup with it so I will throw it in for her.

ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz Who doesn’t like a good night’s sleep?

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Important Merry Christmas Post

My birthday weekend was absolute wonderful!! It was everything I could have wished for and more and I will definitely blog about it soon but I don’t know exactly when. Meanwhile this post is very important to me and I wanted to post it today!

I read SuzQ post yesterday and I went from there to Theresa both were discussing scaling back some of their usual Christmas activities to lessen stress. This is a great idea but one that can bring on stress of its own if you allow anyone, including yourself to make you feel guilt over this decision. Whether this is your plan or whether you plan to go all out this year I want to point something out to you all.

Many of us have several families, our family, and our spouses’ family, those we work with, those at church. But think about all of us here in blogland, we are family too. We won't be exchanging gifts, I won't be able to eat your cooking, and we don't even know each other's addresses to send cards, and none of us feel slighted about any of this. I love each of my blogger friends and you will be in my thought on Christmas Day along with my other families. Maybe this is a pure form of friendship, we know each other’s hopes and dreams and desires and secrets but all that we expect from each other is understanding and acceptance.

So I will be around some this week. I may post, I may just read. But I will enjoy my family, relax and enjoy the holiday season! I hope you all do the same!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006


My birthday was superb! It’s not over yet and I hope to give all the details soon but I just wanted to relate a conversation we had with our friends tonight. This is the couple we are closest to in our real lives. He was the best man in our wedding. Let’s call them Bob and Carol. Now some background, Bob and Nick go back to way before I met Nick. Bob is a unique individual. I can’t begin to tell you all about him but he and I have always flirted with each other, the 4 of us would always tease about mate swapping, just crazy stuff. He offered me $100 if I would dance nude on the table once when we all went out together. I was 8 ½ months pregnant at the time. A couple of years back when Carol and I had gone to a baby shower and Nick and Bob went out for a beer Bob turned to Nick and said “When we used to talk about mate swapping, I swear this was not how I pictured it!”

We actually hadn’t seen each other often over the last several months but when we saw them a week or so ago Bob just asked me how thing were going and I told them things were fantastic! Never better. He gave me a long look, I swear he was thinking something but he just grinned and said, “That’s good!” After we ate and visited for a while this evening we were out at the car talking before we left. I showed them the gift my partner at school had gotten me today. It was an outfit to wear tonight; it was a Santa hat and a pair of granny panties, fully decorated with Christmas ornaments, including a small red decorative rope. I mentioned that Mollie's friend had commented that we could use that to tie each other up. Bob jumped right in and said that sounded like a good idea. I said the rope was too rough for my taste. He said “Well you can use softer restraints”.

Then he said “I got to tell you about this couple at work! Both of them work with me, she maybe weigh a hundred pound and her husband no more that one twenty. They are just a little old country couple. But she started telling a co-worker about how she sometimes ties him to the bed and beat his ass with a belt and then rubbed ice on the welts.” Bob and Carol were both laughing like crazy! As were we! He went on “Now you know if a guy is going to let his wife tie him down and beat his ass it because he gets to have a turn himself later. Now you know I find nothing wrong with enjoying the somewhat stranger things in life and if you and Nick told me you were doing this I could believe it” But he said he just could not believe it of this couple. I said “Well you never really know people” then I said “Bobby we got to talk sometime!”

As Nick and I closed the car doors I said to him, “That was the strangest conversation I have ever had in real life! Honey, our friends are definitely spankos!” I’m sure of it because of this and because of a short conversation we had maybe as much as 8 years ago. They talked about naked “massages” using wooded spoons. Carol said “I don’t mean he beats me or anything, but it feels really good.” Well of course at that time my spanko ears tuned in on that at once yet I never said a word to Nick. But we both remembered this conversation. They are one of the closest couples I know and they love spending time together. Well, am I right? We know them well and soon I will be asking!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Thanks Twin

Remind me never to come to you, Eva, looking for sympathy! A little louder sis, not everyone heard my age! I had another post ready for today. But when your best buddy wants to out you as a little old lady, well what can you do?

I emailed her earlier in the week worrying about the folks at work possibly announcing it at school and then she decided to announce it to blogland! Truly I am not a bit bothered by turning 50! I am as happy as I have ever been in my life, but I have, in the past, possibly been just a tiny bit mean to friends and family that are a bit older than I. My only hope is that the day will slip past in the Christmas rush.

Anyway Eva, I especially want to thank you and to tell you I will NEVER forget what you have done today. Trust me on this! Just another thought folks, Eva and I are twins, doesn’t that mean she is 50 too??


When I walked in the living room this morning Nick was grinning. He said better check your site. I said, "Yeah, I saw what Eva posted" he said "no check YOUR site" I'm still asleep and said "well I had to answer her". Then I remembered, she has my password. Nick said, "she's not the only one!" That's when it hit me. CeeCi! But how would she have known it was my birthday?? Never underestimate a twin with a big mouth and access to email!

Although I wasn't planning to tell the world I'll have to say you all have really made my morining! I doubt this many people in my real life will think of my birthday. I will be answering everyone but with a busy weekend it may be a day or so. And that is assuming I can sit at the computer. Thanks everyone, I love you!!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Stolen meme, part two

How much money do you have on you right now? About $6 in my pocket.

What are you drinking? Nothing

Was your mom a cheerleader? No, no way, never.

What's the last letter of your middle name? E

Who did you vote for on American Idol? I didn’t vote, but I liked Taylor Hicks.

How many hours of sleep do you get at night? About 6 hours.

Do you like Care bears? Nope.

What do you buy at the movies? Popcorn and a drink. Well usually I sneak the drink in.

Do you know how to play poker? No.

Do you wear your seat belt? Always since January 1984.

What do you wear to sleep? A queen size bed! That’s all since 3 weeks after I started blogging. I thought it would be too cold this season but so far Nick has kept me warm.

Anything big ever happen in your hometown? Absolute nothing.

How many meals do you eat a day? 2 ½ to 3

Is your tongue pierced? No

What's your favorite NFL team? My what?

Do you like funny or serious people better? I like people who can see the funny side of most things.

Ever been to Vegas? Yes! Of course I was 11 at the time so I may not have gotten the full effect.

Did you eat a cookie today? Not yet , but it’s only 8:00 PM

Do you use cuss words in other languages? No, English works well for me if I really need them.

Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? Pay.

Do you hate chocolate? Yeah, it’s as bad as a spanking.

What do you and your parents fight about the most? They are gone now but really the only thing we fussed about was that they thought I was too bossy as they got older. Didn’t want them to drive, climb into their attic, lift heavy things…

Is anyone mad at or irritated with you right now? Probably, I assigned homework to tonight!

Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Eve with Nick’s family, Christmas morning with the 4 of us, Christmas afternoon with my family.

What's your favorite preparation for eggs? Scrambled

If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be? Professional blogger/bakery taste tester/sex symbol

Are you easy to get along with? Most of the time

What is your favorite time of day? evening

Who was your best girlfriend/boyfriend? When I was a kid her name was Cathy, from the 4th grade throught high school.

Who do you hate? No one, I don’t waste that kind of energy.

Would you ever date your first love again? No but I would love for Nick and I to go out to eat with he and his wife if I ever met up with him again. He was a nice boy.

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? I have a wonderful husband.

Current mood?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Stolen meme, part one

This is the meme that several of us have stolen. It's my turn today. I am doing it in two parts too.

* A note to my friends - blogger the butt would not let me comment on most of my usual favorite sites. If you posted yesterday I read it, I just couldn't tell you! Hope to have better luck today!

The phone rings. Who do you want it to be? Just for the fun of conversation I would want it to be Eva.

When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Always

In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I think I am pretty good at both.

Do you take compliments well? Yes, I say thank you and move on. However, I rarely believe them.

Are you an active person? Nope, not at all, but I wish I was.

If abandoned alone in the wilderness, do you survive? Probably not for very long.

Do you like to ride horses? I did as a kid but I haven’t in years.

Did you ever go to camp as a kid? No way. I was not going to spend time away from my mom.

What was your favorite game as a kid? Anything make-believe. It’s still my favorite game.

A sexy person is pursuing you, but you know that he/she is married, would you? No

Are you judgmental? Not about most things.

Do you like to pursue or be pursued? It’s been so long I can’t remember.

Use three words to describe yourself. Relaxed, content, optimistic

If you had to choose, would you rather be deaf or blind? Pretty nasty things to choose between. I think most people would say deaf knowing how horrible it would be to lose your sight. But my grandmother and later my mother were so hard of hearing that they were so very isolated. Not many took the time to communicate with them. Losing your hearing can really plunge you into loneliness. Being able to communicate by computer would have helped this.

Are you continuing your education? In the real world yes. In education, only when they make me.

Do you know how to shoot a gun? No

How often do you read books? BB (before blogging) about 4 a month. AB one book in 6 months. Oops!

Do you think more about the past, present or future? The present and the future.

What is your favorite children's book? I’ll love you forever; I’ll like you for always.

Have you kissed any of your MySpace friends? Oh yes! I only got a myspace to be able to go into my children’s site. They are my only friends on there and I’ve kissed them both.

How tall are you? 5’3”

Where is your ideal house located? In the mountains with a sunset view.

Boxers, briefs, thongs, panties, or grannies? Get off my back about the granny panties already!!

Last person you talked to? Nick

Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yes, it fun.

When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? About 3 years ago.

What are your keys on your key chain for? The house, my car, Nick’s car, my room at school and my parent’s house.

Where was the furthest place you traveled today? Christmas shopping about 20 miles from home.

Where is your current pain? I’m good right now, thanks

Do you like mustard? NO

Do you prefer to sleep or eat? I depends whether I am hungry or sleepy.

Do you look like your mom or dad? My dad.

How long does it take you in the shower? Is Nick home or not? No not that! If he is home about 10 minutes, if he isn’t maybe a half hour, ‘till it starts to drip into the basement.

Can you do a split? Not in this lifetime.

What movie do you want to see right now? Charlotte’s Web.

What did you do for New Year's? Stayed home with Mollie and Nick.

Do you think "The Grudge" was scary? Absolute! Of course I didn’t see it but I definitely think it was. If not lots of people wasted their money.

What was the cause of your last accident? I can't remember for sure but I imagine it was coughing, sneezing or laughing - or trying to do all three at once! Okay the younger crowd won't get this, but sadly most of you will!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Next to last folks -- Y Day!

I can say that Y is easier than X and I am trying not to think ahead to Z. This is what I came up with for this week.

Yellow – Come on, it’s such a happy color. You just got to smile when you see it.

Yard – Our back yard is pretty nice. Pretty big, surrounded by trees, we have just redone the pool. It really nicer out there than in the house.

Y-axis – I mentioned the X-axis last week, I thought that this was only fair.

Yesterday – I like the way I am now better than the way I used to be. But I know that all my yesterdays got me to where I am today and I am grateful for them.

Year – This has been the best year of my life. I am so looking forward to what is to come.

Y-chromosome – I’m glad for Nick’s!

Yelp – I am grateful for things that make me yelp!

Youth – I don’t have as much as I used to, but I have enough for now.

Yahoo – One of my windows to the world. The way I communicate with many of my friends.

Yogurt – I like it and it is good for you! Yeah, I don’t want to hear it Eva, go eat a brussels sprout!

You – I am grateful for every one of you.

Yankee – While my grandmother, who was born in 1880, spins in here grave, I will admit that I am most grateful for the friendship of one particular Yankee!

Yuletide A Merry Christmas to you all!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

You gotta read these...

I rarely promote other blogs. I guess I think that if someone found my blog they already know about all the others. I keep telling myself that I do not have time to read more blogs – enough already! The ones I read, I want to read daily and when someone post something that I really like I want to comment! All this takes time and I want to write some too. But these three blogs that I want to tell you about are too good for anyone to miss!

Reesa Roberts. Now Reesa is a fantastic writer I can’t tell which is better her real life accounts about her and her husband or the wonderful fiction she shares with us one day at a time that brings me eagerly to see what is going to happen next! Although she has not been blogging long she had been writing for a while and on her site you can find where to go to get all her wonderful stories. She is a most skilled writer. If you haven’t been reading up to now, jump in quick and go back and real it all. This blog is well worth the time!

His to Spank, His to Love is the story of Dave and Cindy. They are just wonderful! Although they have the challenge of a long distance relationship it doesn’t take much reading to know how very much they mean to each other and how well they do spend their time together whenever they can. Not only are their posts and pictures fantastic their comments on other blogs are thoughtful and insightful! This blog is also new enough to go back and read everything! One word of warning – if your spanker reads blogs also considered yourself warned, Dave has a great many ideas!! Some you many not want shared with the spanker in your life! LOL

Spanky loves Kallisto is the blog of two delightful people who have been happily married for many years. They are now sharing their spanking lifestyle with the rest of us out here in blogland. I love reading them because they seem a lot like Nick and I. To the outer world a nice, ordinary middle aged couple who in real life are avid spanko with a fantastic sex life. They may have been spanking for a while but again the blog is fairly new. It is just great! The love they have for each other just makes me happy as I see what a long term spanking relationship can do for a couple.

Now of course as we approach Christmas days are getting busier and busier so not many of us will be able to post something new each day. This gives me some time to catch up on my reading. Should you have any extra reading time these three blogs that are truly worth the read!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Another great Thursday!

I have a dilemma. Mollie is letting her grades slip. She can do much better and we probably should ground her. But I really like it when she goes to a friend’s house for a while! Okay, I’m a crummy mother but we really had a good time while she was off visiting last night.

I went to the gym like a good girl. When I got home Nick was on the computer. I settled in and got to talk to Eva for a bit as she drove home in yucky, icy weather. I told her that I was getting ready to throw the cat and the computer off Nick and take their place. After hearing that Nick soon closed the computer and asked me what I had in mind. Now I have lots of things on my mind these days. But for Nick, work has been horrible lately and I know he is exhausted, probably physically, but I know mentally, so I really don’t want to push. I told him that I was taking him to the bedroom for a severe cuddle! And that that was all that was required!

It was cold so I jumped into bed with my clothes on. Nick took more time and when he crawled under the covers his first order was “Get those sweats off!” It didn’t take much severe cuddling to really warm things up! After a while longer Nick decided that some spot warming was in order. Not wanting to dig the toy box from under the bed he looked for what was handy. The handiest was his belt, one of my favorites!

I can’t call this one a warm up! There wasn’t much of a warm up at all. It was good! But wow! It was hard! For a former vanilla he was great at going for just as long as I could take it and then stopping to rub for a while. Tiggr lets just say that you are not the only stripped one today!

Now I have to say that what followed was some of the best loving I have ever had! This would have been good for an anniversary weekend and this was just a Thursday night after we had both worked all day! Nick said it was very erotic to see me get all squirmy. Boy if he thought watching was erotic you can imagine how I felt!! I do like the direction this cuddling took.

I am starting to really like these Thursday evenings. I now have one more reason for wanting Mollie to keep here grades up! I do not want this kid grounded!!

My son is thinking of us

I have told you that my son knows that I blog but of course not exactly what the blog is about. I know what he is picturing - middle age ladies discussing our children, our work, menopause, things we are grateful for that begin with the different letters of the alphabet… wait, I guess that is what we blog about some of the time.

But he doesn’t have any idea about the wonderful spankings and the ultra hot sex we get to talk about too. So he is always asking me how my little blogger buddies are doing. College freshmen can be so condescending, but he is pretty funny about it too. He sent me the following picture in an email with the subject “This just screamed you name!” Is this boy making fun of us?

If you can't read the text it says "Oh no, darling, your room isn't in this wing. You will be staying on the opposite side of campus, as a matter of fact. This hall is were we keep the bloggers." The women in the cells are saying 'link me , link me'.

I think my boy has inherited his father's warped since of humor.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Six Unusual Things

Sky tagged me to write six unusual things about myself. This has taken some thought. As Sky pointed out what may seem unusual to some seems perfectly ordinary to others. So I will just go with some that other people tell me are unusual and some that I think are unusual.

  1. I really like peanuts, but hate peanut butter. I do not want nuts in my cake or candy! Why would anyone want to ruin the moist texture of cake with little hard rock-like pieces??

  1. My first memory of mind blogging happened near my 4th birthday. Okay I didn’t have a name for it but that was what it was. I have never stopped. I created a whole other life full of richly detailed characters. I haven’t actually ‘gone over’ since I started this blog but occasionally the character burst into my mind to let me know they are still round.

  1. I received a Bible at church for reciting all the books of the Bible when I was four.

  1. I nearly failed the 6th grade. I did not like the teacher so I did nothing. I would occasionally do my work but when she asked for it I usually didn’t feel like looking for it so I just didn’t turn it in. Now that I have taught 6th grade for 20 years I often feel like I am in one of those movies where someone has to keep repeating the same day until they get it right!

  1. I kept my hair in a perm for the last 27 years. I just stopped when I started blogging. It has something to do with wanting the changes in me to be noticeably.

  1. When I sit and blog my hands and feet freeze. I think I could blog naked if I just had good socks and gloves! Of course that might give Nick other ideas!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

one word meme

I thought this one really looked interesting. I mean we are not bloggers because we are short on words. I had to think on the best word. Here goes,

Describe ...

1. Yourself: content

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend (spouse): mine

3. Your hair: short

4. Your mother: gone

5. Your father: gone

6. Your favorite item: computer

7. Your dream last night: forgotten

8. Your favorite drink: SD

9. Your dream car: overpriced

10. The room you are in: paneled

11. Your ex: non-existent

12. Your fear: loss

13. What you want to be in 10 years? happy

14. Who you hung out with last night? Family

15. What you're not? Skinny

16. Muffins: Blueberry

17. One of your wish list items: maid

18. Time: passing

19. The last thing you did: typed

20. What you are wearing: sweats

21. Your favorite weather: stormy

22. Your favorite book: Remnant

23. The last thing you ate: chips

24. Your life: sweet

25. Your mood: relaxed

26. Your best friend: Nick

27. What are you thinking about right now? buddies

28. Your car: van

29. What are you doing at the moment? thinking

30. Your summer: freedom

31. Your relationship status: married

32. What is on your TV? Drivel

33. What is the weather like? cold

34. When is the last time you laughed? today

Monday, December 04, 2006

Finally - X

When I jumped in to this wonderful idea that CeeCi began, I knew that this day would come. It’s here “X Day”. Now I wanted to really try this one. Things I am grateful for that begin with X… Hummm… At first all I could come up with was xylophone but to be perfectly honest, while I am sure that the xylophone is a fine instrument, I am really not grateful for it. So here is my shot at it!

Xander- This is my son’s cat. And yes that is how you spell it. LJ was a big Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan and I believe he got the name came from that show.

X-rays – Very helpful invention. While it can’t exactly look into you soul it can give you a clear picture of injured bones and other potential problems throughout our bodies.

Xerses defeat – The Greeks beat this guy there by saving western culture. That’s kinda nice.

X-axis – As a math teacher, knowing about this does come in handy.

X-files – Now while I am a big TV fan I never watched the X-files but my sister is the biggest fan of the show ever. I have to be grateful for anything that gives her that much pleasure, even if I think she is a nut about it.

X-chromosome – I am very grateful that I have two. I couldn’t deal with a Y myself. I am also grateful for the half of the population that can personally deal with a Y-chromosome. I guess it takes all kinds.

Xanthippe – This was the nagging wife of Socrates. In other words she was a brat! One of our own!

Xerox – Now this one really makes my job easier! Although many times I have felt that the copier’s sole purpose was to teach me how to cuss!

Xmas – This one used to make me so mad until my dad explained that X was the Greek symbol for Christ. I still prefer to see Christmas written out because I don’t think everyone’s father explained this to them and I don’t want people appearing to X Christ out of Christmas. But as long as everyone understands…

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Spicing things up

I listen to people out here. Really I do, so after reading Tiggr and Theresa and a few other places I just decided that I would get some ginger root when I was at the store. Mollie was with me but what does she know about cooking, except that I don’t do it? She asked me what in the world it was and I just told her it was a spice. I wrapped it up and stuck it in the fridge.

I hadn’t given it any more thought than that. I didn't know if I was going to try it, I didn’t know if I was going to tell Nick I had gotten it. It was just there, wrapped up and tucked in the back of the crisper drawer, and then forgotten.

Last night I was sitting quietly blogging away Nick and Mollie in the kitchen when Mollie shouts to me, “Mom your ginger root is still in here what are you planning to do with it?” 

Well to me it sounded like “Mom you left your dildo on the counter in here, do you want it.” Now if you have been reading here you know I am pretty good at thinking on my feet fending off Mollie’s questions. But my mind was totally numb. I knew I was blushing, I could feel it, but I was trying not to burst out laughing!

Unfortunately trying unsuccessfully to hold it back caused it to burst out more like a sob and Mollie ran in to see why I was crying. Of course I was laughing so hard that tears were running down my face. She wanted to know what could possible be so funny. I couldn’t come up with a thing. I just kept laughing and shook my head at her, which of course made her mad.

I really need to remember what Bonnie tried to say in one of her posts. A belt or hair brush on the couch is not a dead give away to the average vanilla person. I am sure some people cook with ginger. But I’m not some people! Would anyone out there be interested in a teenage? We could work out some kinda time share maybe. Think about it and let me know.

CeeCi's meme

CeeCi tagged me and I have had fun do this one! Thinking of how you want to answer takes time! But it's good for you. Everyone should do it!

What are you proud of?

I am proud of my children. They are extremely different people in personalities and ambitions. But both are respectful, polite, decent people. Neither has ever given us any real problems.

What time do you wake up in the morning?

When I am working I get up at 5:45. I used to sleep until 6:00 but I like to read some blogs in the morning. When I am not working I am usual up by 8:00.

If there was one person from the past that you could go back and talk to who would it be?

Like many of the others I want another afternoon with my mother. We were so close. Really since the moment I was born I wanted to be with my mom. I never went through a phase where we were fighting or arguing, I just liked her. My sister had once mentioned, when she first began college, that the saddest sight in the world was an empty mailbox. Our mom sent her a letter every day for the next four years – every day. She did the same thing when I went to college. She was a very special lady and I will miss her until I see her again.

Name 5 things in your freezer at the moment.

You guys do remember that I don’t cook, right?

  1. Ice cream
  2. Hot pockets
  3. pizza
  4. yeast rolls
  5. ice trays, the ice maker is broken

Do you believe in afterlife?

Yes and I believe in reincarnation. But we have only been here as people and we will only come back as people. And quite often with the people we love the most.

What are 5 sites you visit daily?

Every day the following:

Eva Cassie Sky Suzq

Theresa Bonnie Bethie Kay and Jack

Tiggr Grace Reesa Lily

Patty Snow Padme Katie

CeeCi Sar Maggie Todd and Suzy

Okay 20 is a multiple of five, give me a break! There are more I get to as often as I can!

Five things you ate that you will never eat again.


Peanut butter (I hate it)


Buttermilk (does drink count?)

95% of any vegetables I have ever eaten.

Five things that make you sad (edit) happy.


My son being away

The constant fear of war on the planet

Wasted time

My friends being sad

Not being allowed to spend my time at school actually teaching


  1. The sound of my son’s car pulling into the driveway.

  1. The special rings on my cell phone that mean that Nick, or my son or my daughter is calling.

  1. Getting comments or emails from my blogger friends.

  1. The last day of school. Grace, that’s when I do the happy teacher dance!

  1. Snowy afternoons with a good old movie on TV, plenty of junk food in the house and no where I need to be.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Yes it was a spanko/sex bloggers dream afternoon. Mollie had a babysitting job Thursday afternoon and I had driven her to it. Then being the good girl that I am I went to the gym to mind blog, I mean work out! Nick had beaten me home and he was on the computer when I came in. We hadn’t talked long when Nick asked me if I would mind washing his back. Now I’m not going to turn down an offer like that! We hadn’t taken a shower together in a long time and it was fun! Using my vanilla scented soap we left no parts ignored! While in the shower Nick asked me what time it was. I assumed he was wondering when Mollie would be home. I told him I was around 5:00 ( it was just delicious to be in the shower with my lover at 5 PM on a Thursday!) Nick said it wasn’t 5 it was ‘anytime’. What? He said I needed to go back and read some of my blog. He said “You said that you wanted a spanking anytime, well it’s anytime!” Hot dog!!

When the shower was over Nick placed two pillows on the bed and I happily settled across them as he got into the toy box. The best I can remember he had out the leather paddle, the flogger. It had been a long time! I was ready for this and I loved it. He kept switching implements. He was going all out with the toys and after a while he brought out the plug (Theresa, mine is blue) that was sending me into a great head space. He kept on with the leather paddle and gave me the vibrator to play with. Now we are talking some serious sensations here!

Between the spanking, the plug and the vibrator I soon came several time. They were hard and wonderful and very welcomed!! He started rubbing my butt and everywhere else. Oh, it felt so good! He took me from behind and it was fantastic! By the time we were through we were in a tangle of arms, legs, toys, electrical cords, pillows and sheets. I wasn’t sure we could untangle and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. Should anyone want to take a survey I want to say this is a superb way to spend a Thursday afternoon. For those of you with children older than mine, did you benefit this much when you children babysat and should we, as Nick suggested, pay part of the babysitting fee?