Thursday, December 28, 2006

I think I'm back!

Nick didn’t let me worry about Elis being gone for too long. Our kids must have messed up their well laid plans to never leave us alone because they slipped up and both went to spend the night with friend Tuesday night.

Even after the kids left I was wondering – I mean we were both tired, really tired. But as Eva told me men are rarely that tired and sure enough we were soon on the way to the bedroom to cuddle. I gave Nick 2 items that I hoped will reside in the bedroom permanently. One was a pair of soft leather work gloves the other was a really pretty wooded spoon.

Happily I was soon cuddled across his lap and he was trying out the ‘work gloves’. I mean I would never want him to hurt his hand! At first it seemed like a joke, like the furry side of the leather paddle. It just felt too soft to do any good. But as he kept it up that warm feeling seemed to build nicely. It was a wonderful warm up!

Next came the spoon. Ouch! Now that thing packs a sting! But its one drawback is that it must create redness quickly and that always causes Nick to stop way too soon. Will he ever get over the fear of hurting me?? Never mind, other than that he is perfect!

We went on to pay with the vibrator and the plug, two of my favorites. It was a wonderful evening and so needed. This might be better than when the kids move away. Now we never know when we might find ourselves alone and we almost always take advantage of it. I am not sure what we’ll do when we could be together any time. Of Course I am willing to find out in a few years!


  1. Welcome back, Elis! I'm so glad you and Nick found time to play!

  2. Oh, PK, it's so good to be back and to read that you finally got to reconnect with Nick and he with his much beloved Elis!!!! I'm thrilled that you had a happy holiday season and want to thank you eprsonally for your constant love and support through these past few weeks!

    Huge hugs to you both and much love,

  3. I am so glad you had a wondeful time. I have daydreamed of gloves, but never done it. Cool idea! Them masculine work gloves..yum!


  4. woohooo glad you had a really great time. Yeah, me and the ex she had a 13 year old. And sometimes it was a LONG time before she went to her dads. It was great though when she did. Was always play night or play day when she was gone.

  5. Anonymous6:38 AM


  6. Leather gloves, huh? Why hasn't anyone mentioned that before? Good idea :)
    Elis, it's great when the kids are gone, you can even leave the bedroom door open! That was really strange at first *g*


  7. Great that things have worked out for you Elis, lovely that you and Nick had such a good time.
    I never thought of leather gloves, at least half the pleasure of spanking Mel was the feel of her butt on my hand.
    Warm hugs,
