Sunday, November 05, 2006

Some Hair Color Meme

Alright Theresa, I like your meme - here goes!

What bad thing happened to you this week? A ton of extra stupid paper work was dumped on me on Thursday that had to be done by Monday. It took hours!! I had to stop teaching, get the kid a sub (babysitter) so I could write 38 plans telling how I was going to teach. Why couldn't I just teach!!!!

What good thing happened to you this week? Got Nick a lap top. Mollie swears that we are sitting in the living room IMing each other. Well, almost!

What did you have for breakfast? One bite of a banana. I had to come here and check on everyone and didn't have time to eat anything else.

What is your favorite color? Blue or Purple

What is your favorite fast food chain? McDonalds, I have already supersized myself!!

How much did your last fill up cost you? $42.00 all I can think if WTF!

Do you have a job? I do at the moment, but if they keep pissing me off like they have lately you better ask again tomorrow. It's not the kid, it's the stupid government regulations.

If you had one wish in the whole world excluding winning the lottery what would it be? Well if I had 2 I would use one to find out why Theresa wants me to listen to Nick so much. But if I only had one it would be that all the pretty leaves stay on the trees or at least fall in a nice pile by the road so they could be suck up.

What time do you get up in the morning? Between 5:30 and 6:00. I used to get up every morning and read the paper. Now I get up to check on everyone!

What are your pet’s names? Lincoln, Abbie, and Xander.

Do they have nick names? Not really, but the dog think his name is "You are not coming in here with those muddy feet!" Abbie thinks her name is either "Get off my arm while I am trying to type!" or "Stop scratching the couch" or "Get down before you knock everything off!" Xander thinks his name is "Sweet kitty, you are so good. Come lay with me!" We don't show favoritism in this house.

How many times a week do you screw up word verification? Take a wild guess, I took it off my blog. Trust me I had nothing to do with them. It's definitely Eva's doing!

What is your favorite spanking position? I don't know, that cold washing machine has a certain appeal. But if I can't have that probably on the bed OTK or over pillows.

What is your favorite spanking implement? So hard to chose!! Defiantly something leather. I guess the leather paddle or his belt.

What is your favorite food? Anything that I don't have to cook and any and all junk food.

Coke or Pepsi? Coke products. Diet Cherry Coke at the moment.

What is the best thing about blogging? The people, the people, the people!!! The feeling of acceptance, the feeling that I am understood, the feeling that I have resources. I have girl friend that I can talk to every day. And the best of all through all this I found my way to Nick and I love him more than I ever have.

What color are your toenails? The same color they were when I was born. When I put on nail polish I feel like I can't breath.

What is your favorite cocktail? Not a clue, I don't drink. I used to like Kalua and Cream, but it just put me to sleep.

What is the worse part of your job? Anything that takes me away from actually teaching.

Have you implemented any new words into your vocabulary lately? Nick is always asking if I have checked on my peeps or what my peeps are up to.


  1. Anonymous5:18 AM

    You all just need to forget about that washing machine!!!!


  2. Anonymous5:29 AM

    You did a great job with this, PK! I swear you're just blossoming lately. I love the nick names answer especially! I have a cat nicknamed "get down before you knock everything off" too!

    Happy Monday!

    *hugs* from one of your peeps...


  3. My favorite was: "Defiantly something leather." Just FYI, Elis, love, that's not the first time that you've transposed the letters in this word, which is why I noticed it! Oh, yeah, OK, I noticed cause I'm an anal, obsessive-compulsive bitch, er, um, I mean BRAT... and also because this is one thing we most definitely have in common.

    No, not the deiant part, not me, not ever, no way *evil grins and winks* but the leather fetish... both of us having worked in animal health, me as an avid vegetarian animal rights' activist-type, but yeah, I must admit, my all-time favortie spanking toys are anything leather.

    Hey, maybe we should inundate the site on Dante's blog that promotes "pleather" and ask if they can make a whole line of spanking toys just for us... something tells me that would be a HUGE money-maker... shhh, don't tell anyone. We will talk later, you and I...

    Love you and love your twin pussies... you and Eva sometimes just make me want to hack up a hairball... but you are fellow felines so I guess I gotta love you, right?

    Hugs and kisses,

  4. Good answers...same here with the pets! No favoritism! I feel the same way about my job, Medicare has taken all the fun out of nursing.

    Ok what the heck are peeps and what do they have to do with vocabulary words?

    Theresa...oh yeah I love the new kitties!

  5. Not sure what this had to do with "hair color", but it was fun!

    I simply can't believe you and Eva get up so early! I didn't even realize that time existed! Just reading that makes me tired!

    You people need to step away from the coke products!!! Pepsi is far superior!


  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    How did you tell your hubby that you wanted to be spanked.?? Did he think you were nuts.I want this but I just dont know how to break it to him.I'll check back later for your response.

  7. Great meme Elis, so funny. I have three dogs and a cat and the all have multiple names.
    I've been meaning to tell you that all three films on your profile are favourites of mine, how good is that!!!!
    Warm hugs,

  8. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I'm a lurker on your blog and just wanted to say hello. I loved your answers to the meme. I saw it on Theresa's blog. I'll have to give it a try sometime this week. :)

  9. Eva,
    Somethings are just hard to forget!

    Our cats must be related!

    We figured it was too cute for words but we liked them so what the heck!

    Peeps, someone else used that out here and Nick and I picked it up, peeps -- my people! Nick is always asking if my peeps are up to anything today. I really like the kitties too!

    Theresa called it a red-headed meme. I wanted to do it anyway!

    I will have to be up a half hour earlier next year when I will have to get Mollie to school by 7:10 in order to get out of traffic and back to my school on time.

    What time do you have to get up to get everyone ready for school?

    It was very hard! Not telling him but getting up the nerve to tell him! I did it by email. Kind of as a joke. I said I knew that it has to sound crazy but I thought it might be exciting to be spanked before sex. And would he be willing to give it a try. Saying this scared me nearly to death. He told be it did sound a bit nuts but he was more that willing to give it a try.

    If we hadn't had email it would have been in bed after sex in the dark. Not face to face in the daylight. A lot of this is in my early posts. I would love to talk by email if you are willing. I still feel so new at this I am always asking other for advice. If you want to email me and don't know how leave another comment.

    Just know it can be done! And it is worth it!!!!

    These are such wonderful films to watch on cold, rainy Sunday afternoons.

    Love seeing you here anytime!!!

  10. Anonymous12:21 AM

    I would like to email you thankyou.

  11. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Good post! Todd use to teach, and feels your pain!

    ~Todd & Suzy

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  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. The process of losing weight varies from one person to another. Keto Plus Pro For some, weight loss can be achieved on individually, without the help of a doctor, trainer, or support group. However, for others, losing weight requires a support group that will keep them motivated and will give them the discipline they need to fight their battles. Whatever the case, you will a personalized online weight loss program perfect for you.

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  47. When starting a weight loss program there can be many distractions. Keto Regime It can be very confusing trying to pick a good weight loss program among the thousands that exist today.

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  54. . Looking for shortcuts and quick results are just a part of human nature. The problem is that you'll be right back to square one when the weight comes back (and it will) when you lose weight quickly. Ultra Fast Pure Keto Here are some weight loss tips that will help you do what is necessary to achieve permanent weight loss and look forward to a lifetime of being healthy.

  55. Water is the main tool of natural weight loss. If you always bring a bottle of water together with you and refill it when it runs empty, Eminence Vitality Keto you will find that sometimes, you are not hungry because you are lack of food. Sometimes, you might just want to drink in a restaurant but end up ordering food that are not needed.


  56. Surgical penis enlargement methods include penile augmentation and suspensory ligament release. Penile augmentation involves injecting fat cells into the penis or grafting fat cells onto the penis. Injecting fat cells into the penis can cause swelling and deformity; in some instances, removal of the penis may be necessary. Grafting fat cells onto the penis can be effective; however, the increase in size Bandox Extreme may disappear over time. Suspensory ligament release increases flaccid penis length, but does not increase the length of an erect penis[3] and can create problems with sexual function

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  63. Weight Loss Fact: There are numerous studies that show that people. Insta Keto who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be a lot heavier than who have a healthy nutritional breakfast and then eat 4-6 small meals during the day. The reason to this might be the fact that they get hungrier later on in the day, and might have a tendency to over eat during other meals of the day.

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  65. The quality and effectiveness of different supplements varies widely from one product to another, even with similar ingredients. Andezal Male Enhancement This variation often depends on whether supplements are manufactured in the U.S. or abroad and a manufacture's quality control standards. Additionally, reputable manufactures provide a money back guarantee, list product ingredients and contact information.

  66. While thinking about writing my first article for EzineArticles, I could not stop thinking about the stability ball I am sitting on at my desk.

  67. Mainstream medications are not designed to improve fertility, increase desire, semen volume or penis size. centallus rx male enhancement While Viagra and Cialis receive the most exposure due to the large advertising budgets of their manufactures there are also many other male supplement pills available on the internet. The male sexual enhancers available on the internet generally fall into three categories.

  68. Weight loss essentials: eat a larger number of calories than you utilize and you'll put on weight. Tier 2 Keto Reviews utilize more than you eat and you'll lose it. Weight loss is presently an objective which can be come to truly effectively in the event that we adhere to a preparation administration, abstain from food arrange. Be that as it may, for a few, surgery might be the main trust.

  69. Most people choose a fresh Christmas tree for its fragrance, which can be fairly strong or just subtle, giving off just enough of a whiff of scent. modern Christmas tree Douglas fir, which is one of the most popular trees used in homes and public places, is a very fragrant tree. The Balsam fir is also fairly fragrant. If you like the ambiance of a fresh Christmas tree but consider the scent of pine indoors a bit overpowering, the Eastern White Pine may be your best selection since this tree doesn't have much fragrance.

  70. Dietitians are nutritionists who work straightforwardly Instant Keto with customers or patients in regards to their healthful needs. Abstaining from food lessens your caloric admission however practicing helps you blaze more calories. Eat less carbs Weight misfortune is fundamental if corpulence is available. Consuming less calories is simpler than you ever envisioned. On a veggie lover eat less carbs, weight loss shouldn't be an issue.

  71. Everal health professionals have discovered a relationship between weight gain and toxin overload. Instant Keto The reason is because a significant build up of toxin in the body prevents the proper functioning of the liver to eliminate toxins and metabolize fats. When the body's liver is not working properly, the other systems like digestive and cardiovascular system are also badly affected. Because of this malfunction, the body will not be able to take in the harmful toxins and these toxins accumulate in our body resulting in weight gain

  72. Your weight loss goals will determine the effectiveness of several detox weight loss supplements. Keto Pro Avis Oftentimes, the main reason why people use a detox or colon-cleanse is to lose weight and improve the digestive system's functions. If losing weight is your main goal, you should choose the detox pill you are going to take very carefully. Most of these detox weight loss supplements claim to help you lose weight, but usually they are referring to water weight which oftentimes comes back quickly.

  73. Recall what I said about the number one reason diets fail, which is a lack of compliance.Slimgen Keto The lead researcher of this recent study stated.Our trial found that adherence level rather than diet type was the primary predictor of weight loss

  74. His often ground breaking articlesDX Keto can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media , MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Exercise For Men Only, and numerous others.


  75. Weight loss essentials Anatomy Keto eat a larger number of calories than you utilize and you'll put on weight; utilize more than you eat and you'll lose it. Weight loss is presently an objective which can be come to truly effectively in the event that we adhere to a preparation administration, abstain from food arrange. Be that as it may, for a few, surgery might be the main trust.Surgical procedures have advanced in the course of recent decades, and most are compelling, as in they do normally prompt significant weight reduction.In any case, all specialists do concur that the most ideal approach to keep up weight loss is to take after a healthy way of life. Whichever approach you lean toward, the way to long haul achievement is a moderate consistent weight loss.

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    The motive obese human beings discover it truly tough or distressing to lose excessive burden is because of metabolic syndrome which takes place when our body becomes overweight on any angle.!MGFhZDBj:surgenx-keto-reviews-%7Bshark-tank%7D-scam-or-a-legit-deal%3F

  77. SurgenX Keto In this regard, here bringing up an revolutionary a dietary supplement SurgenXKeto, that offers promising effects in a short span. This complement is created in a manner to end result rapidly. It unexpectedly takes you to the system of weight loss and your fats start to shed right away. Eating this complement on a every day foundation will rapidly bring about you for slim and lean body form.

  78. 1Blog-Gratuit additionally, it does no longer comprise many electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, potassium, so depending totally on 1Blog-Gratuit drugs for vitamins isn't endorsed.
    • The number one constituent BHB ketone is also discovered inside the body.
    • So no sudden alternate in the mental state is determined.
    • additionally, because of the natural tendencies of its substances, a low starvation kingdom is achieved so unique care ought to be taken, and no food have to be skipped.

  79. 1Blog-Gratuit: great Shark Tank
    1Blog-Gratuit Are you obese or perhaps obese or 1Blog-Gratuit? Are you seeking out a manner to put off all excess fat and weight on your body and come to be slender and ripped? Have you tried all sorts of diets and still couldn’t lose any weight?
    If the solution to most of these questions is yes, then this product is made for you. Before talking approximately the product, let’s talk about weight problems and all the troubles associated with it. To begin with, why do human beings get overweighed or obese?

  80. Components in particular used:
    Ketogeniks Keto It contains so many BHB ketones. BHB ketones are needed to slim down the frame and to use up the fats ratio of the body. It has not been point out truly that what all different elements are available in Ketogeniks Keto however it contains BHB ketones which will boost up the manner of having more keto in the frame.
    BHB ketones lower the frame cravings by supplying complete electricity stage. BHB ketones primary characteristic is to melt down the stubborn fats from the garage areas of the body so that each one the glucose from the frame may be focused.

  81. Supplement declaration of evaluation:
    Result No.1
    Keto Forcera supplement ends up being dynamically a success to diminish down the time taken in the bit of the metabolic country to make modifications over the ketosis and it expends fat a good deal speedier manner.
    Result No.2
    Keto Forcera made with the help of sufficient dietary supplements that guarantees the extent of imperativeness and makes all matters taken into consideration intellectual center interest.
    Greater information In quick:
    It diminishes the general frame weight via liberating the ketones exogenous inside the frame.
    1. It continues up essentialness level to excessive via hack down the signs of any shrouded prosperity issues.
    2. These drugs supplement diminishes the overall pressure by coordinating the angle model effect
    Three. It makes on the whole metabolic charge to keep up ketosis that gives hand to carry everyday ketones on all matters taken into consideration body
    Four. This Keto Forcera expelled on the whole which provide suitable order over the hankering

  82. Conclusion
    Vyantix RX Many men who are growing old stumble upon sexual troubles, and they are trying special strategies to improve their overall performance in bed. They take unstable male enhancement powders and even go through huge surgical procedures to make things paintings for them, however everything turns out to be ineffective, which ends up in disappointments.

  83. Fit Body Keto The everyday state of body
    • let us give an explanation for the normal country of your frame so that you can effortlessly recognize the working of Fit Body Keto. Whilst the supplement enters the frame, the state of the body changes and this brings approximately weight reduction. Normally, the frame is making electricity from carbohydrates. Meals is wealthy in a variety of nutrients however the frame particularly makes use of carbs due to the fact they're clean to break up. Fats are not the primary power source for the frame.

  84. The way to consume Keto Blaze Xtreme weight reduction?
    You may absolutely use Keto Blaze Xtreme through taking capsules in several days. Strive now not to pressure your self because the pills are easy to apply and you want to take a tablet in the morning and a tablet at night time. Just take these capsules earlier than devouring your dinner. You do no longer ought to do a whole lot of sports along with this improvement. In spite of the fact that you should drink plenty of water while the usage of this nutritional supplement.

  85. How does Berkeley Dietary Keto paintings:
    Berkeley Dietary Keto The BHB ketones & herbal components are integrated to boom the mastery of effective Berkeley Dietary Keto. The powerful components consisted of in the object aids in melting fats cells quickly & consequently manages the hunger pangs normally to make sure that you make sure to perform weight loss speedy. The fundamental precept behind the item overall performance is ketosis. At some stage in ketosis manner, your frame frequently tends to prevent the sugar production by way of selling the hormones in addition to enzymes production. Consequently, your body often has a tendency to utilize fat cells for strength production. The BHB tend to reduce your fats cells hastily and also make you participate in a ketosis state.

  86. Dietary Nature Keto For everybody who desires to shed pounds speedy by means of hitting New You Ketosis, we want to inform you all approximately Dietary Nature Keto food regimen weight loss capsules. This is the brand new method that has simply arrived available on the market and it has created lots of buzz all around. In case you are searching ahead to dropping your more pounds and getting a slim frame, this can be the high-quality answer for you.

  87. Spark Keto Most significantly controlling at the hunger is the hardest tasks to do for any individual but now no person has to bear a lot of these situations because ShapeHealth Keto fats Burning tablets goes to make your journey of dropping weight so exciting and easy.
    It will suppress your urge for food and could hold you lively all of the time
    You'll sense extra active after the consumption of its tablets
    Its patch product will assist you to hold an excellent body form
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  88. End:
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