Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Take a break

Nick and I are headed to Pennsylvania this weekend. I have been looking forward to this for a long time. You know that when you have little kids you promise yourself that you will take trip together and leave the kids at home. Well in 23 years we have gone off alone exactly once, two years ago. Pitiful! But we are going to do better!

Unfortunately last night I was becoming more and more uncomfortable and I was having to run pee every 2 minutes. Houston, we have a problem! Not now!!! I called the doctor first this morning and went in this afternoon. I hadn’t been in for several months but this new doctor and I bonded pretty well in the short time I’ve know her. She asked about the kids and how Nick and I were doing. When someone asked about Nick and me, I usually can’t help but grin these days. She laughed and told me she thought we must be doing well because my problem was commonly referred to as ‘honeymoon cystitis’. Alright you guy, straighten up; there are worse problems to have!!

She gave me a prescription and told me to take cranberry pills, because I think the juice is nasty. She also told me that while on the trip we should be sure not to drive more than a couple hours without stopping for a bathroom break. Well I had heard what she had said and I thought I was explaining it pretty well to Nick, but evidently his mind was on other things when I told him I had honeymoon cystitis and that the doctor said we shouldn’t go more that 2 to 3 hours without taking a break. He cracked up!! Come to think of it, whichever way you take it, its pretty good advice!


  1. Anonymous11:16 PM


    I'm not laughing because I've definitely been there. UTIs are miserable.

    On a positive note, you should be feeling better before long. I hope the place you're staying has thick walls!

    What is it about guys not wanting to stop (for anything) while on a road trip? No, as a matter of fact, I can't pee in a soda bottle. No, not even a two liter! Ugh!

    Oh well. I know you'll have a lot of fun. Bring us back some great tales. Bon voyage!

  2. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Elis~ Just curious... do you like anything that's good for you?? ROFL

    Glad you saw the doc...have a fun, fun trip.


  3. Bonnie,
    I hope we have thick walls too. I wouldn't really care if strangers heard but we are going to a family wedding and we will be surrounded by aunts, uncles, cousins. But I still don't care, we're packing the toys!

    If you are asking about spankings and sex - yes. If you are asking about fruits, vegetables and exercise - NO!


  4. I have a friend, much older than us, late 60's and she is actually getting infections. She now has to take prophylactic antibiotics before sex. Can you believe that one. Also go to the bathroom before and after sex. Our plumbing is just a mess. Who's idea was it to put all 3 of our orifices so close together. I guess the idea was to have everything right there so men did not have to go looking to hard!

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    We've had to deal with this a few times. No fun, but the for-sure cure is much-MUCH worse. Going pee before and after is an excellent tip. Enjoy your trip!

    -Todd & Suzy

  6. Elis - lol, stop every three hours - I can see how Nick thought that was funny! Don't we WISH it could last that long! Have a fantastic trip! D

  7. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I am new to your blog but have been greedily reading it all day. I just turned 40 and on my second marriage. Your blog and many others I have found have given me the courage to talk to my Man about my desires and needs. We are starting this "spanking" journey and it helps so much to know there are other women out there who feel the same way I do. Thank you so very much for sharing and allowing me to post. Sorry it was sooo long. Hope you have a wonderful weekend trip away.

  8. Hi Elis, hope that you have a great trip. Felinefrisky stole my joke, good for her. Perhaps a sex break every two hours, may not get you there on time, but what a fun trip. *G*
    Warm hugs,

  9. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Oh, what the hell, Elis? Make it a marathon weekend... you really don't NEED to leave your hotel room, do you????

    All kidding aside, feel better and have tons of fun... the weather there must be GREAT this time of year... pack lots of toys and stop for a fe more along the way!

    Hugs and TTFN,

  10. Theresa,
    Our plumbing is bound to be for the convenience of men! I'll take your advice.

    Todd and Suzy,
    I'm feeling much better and we're going to enjoy ourselves.

    That would be great! Thanks!!

    So glad you left a comment! Until I found this group of people I thought I was so strange for my desires. Now I just feel great!! Spanking has made a wonderful change for us. Come back and talk anytime!!

    If we could stop for sex every 2 hours who would care if we ever got there!

    It should be a blast! Weather should be great and the wedding is outside.

  11. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Not to be the bearer of bad news, but if you don't want to trade one problem for another - a urinary infection for a vaginal one (from the antibiotic), eat some yogurt with live cultures every day. Start now, and continue a couple of days after you finish the antibiotic. And, yes I know it tastes terrible, but not as bad as a new infection feels!
