Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Road Trip

The joy of crawling into a car with your husband, no kids, and knowing you have him to yourself all weekend! Could anything be better?? As I told you Monday we talked and talked about blogging friends, fantasies, and one important thing I have been asking him for, because I hate to get my friend to get too far ahead of me – a crop! I mean Eva makes it sound so good – I want one!! I haven’t exactly been suffering in silence so I think Nick picked up on this idea. So off we go in search of a sign like Eva saw.

I want all of you to know that the Shenandoah Valley is a beautiful area to drive through, absolute lovely, but not one sign for X-Mart. I took us nearly 10 hours to reach our destination and not one Crops-R-Us store did we pass. I didn’t give up hope; we had all day Saturday to shop.

Even though we talked a lot my natural inclination in a car is to sleep. Nick doesn’t seem to mind too much, except when I was driving. We experimented on way to keep me awake while giving him a break. One thing he tried worked like a charm; however, I had a hard time staying on the road. Mostly I let Nick drive.

We met up with a bunch of relatives at the restaurant owned by the parents of the bride. I enjoyed visiting and I told Nick to go on back to the hotel, which was within walking distance to rest up from our long ride, while I did the family thing for a bit longer. The boy was well rested when I got there! I managed to lose at strip poker as quickly as I knew how. We had several toy with us, the flogger, the leather paddle and a favorite little wooden paddle that stings like hell. We played with them all! Of course that part could have lasted much longer but the sex afterward was fantastic!!

Saturday – shopping day! Nick started in the yellow pages and found two shops that sold horse “equipment” not sure exactly what that might mean we jotted down the address and off we went, cross country in the rain in search of my little heart’s desire. But, alas, no store could ever be found. And we really did search; we found the address, just no store. I would have been sad, but how can you be sad when your husband is trying so hard to find just the right thing to spank your ass with? Sometimes it is the thought that counts!

Crop or not we still had plenty of toys and privacy to keep us happy. I didn’t get to have the flaming rear I would have enjoyed on the ride back but we had a ball. Except for having to move the dresser to find a favorite plug that fell from the suitcase and rolled (didn’t really want that found and mailed back to us!!) everything was nearly perfect. We even had enough weekend feeling to do a little dancing in the sheets this morning early. Although we can’t seem to remember who started it. I’ll be glad to claim credit!

I know my wild new beginning summer is coming to a close. And with the exception of crop failure on this particular trip, I think it’s been a damn good one!


  1. Anonymous1:00 AM

    No 'X-Mart' on the way... bummer! Sounds like it was a fun and relaxing tome though. Road trips are so much fun.

    -Todd & Suzy

  2. Glad you had a good trip. Just because the summer is ending dosen't mean your new lifestyle has to as well.

    Take care,



    P.S. Love your list.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Order a flogger online. It will come discreetly wrapped, right to your doorstep. No on will be the wiser!


  4. Hi Elis! Sounds like you two enjoyed every minute. That's how it's supposed to work. So very glad you had fun. Too bad about the crop. Soundes like the sparks were a-flying! Woo hoo! :) HonBun & I ordered an Adam's paddle from adam & gillian. It's furry on one wide, the other has leather texture and comes with these odd sandpaper circles you can apply (??! HUH?). Anyway, it's not as harsh as I thought it would be. D

  5. Awwww, sounds like you had such a great time! I can't wait to have a trip like that with Bossman.

    The crop will be that much sweeter when you finally find it. The hunt is part of the fun!


  6. Hi Elis so glad that you had a great time.
    You could buy a crop online you know.
    BTW this is just the beginning.
    Warm hugs,

  7. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Elis~ Not ONE Xmart? Wow... we saw 50 of em on our trip!! Wanna guess which state? Kentucky, go to Kentucky... or smut-tucky as we fondly refer to it. They have crops. Guaranteed.

  8. Todd & Suzy,
    It was a blast!

    You are right, I look forward to what fall and winter might bring!

    We may do that but I like the idea of going to the store with Nick and picking one out!

    Anne Elizabeth,
    Glad you stopped by. I have really been enjoying you stories!

    We also have a paddle fur/leather. It's one of my favorites!

    The trip was great and I am enjoying the hunt!

    I have a nephew in Kentucky, maybe it's time for a visit!!

