Thursday, September 07, 2006

For Tom

Dear Tom,

I am another of Cassie’s friends. She and I met here on our blogs. I read the loving stories she wrote about your lives together. I was so envious of your relationship. She made you sound like the most perfect man in the world. She was living the fantasy that those of us without the courage to come out to our own husbands only dreamed of. But because Cassie had the courage to share her story I at least knew it was possible. I came out to my husband and because of Cassie and the other women I have met here. The joy that I now have in my life it unbelievable.

She has worried that you would be mad if you found the blog. She knows you best so I have to assume she is right. And if you are reading this, you do know about all and I assume she has a warm butt. But please let it stop there. She is such a wonderful person, she has helped so many of us with her blog and she is our friend. Please don’t take her away from us and do not take us away from her. I hope that everything she has told us about you is true – that you really are the perfect man, that you will always love her, protect her, correct her, contain her and indulge her. I once wrote that I wanted to be Cassie when I grew up. I still feel that way deep down. I also told her I had a crush on you, that’s still true to. We are harmless; we just want to brag about the men we love. Cassie always bragged the most.

We all hope to be hearing from your lovely and loved wife,


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    what a wonderful heartfelt letter. All of you are just wonderful people. it is what has finally given me the courage to no longer be anonymous, but become someone in the blogger world. I love your blog and your posts and hope to read them for many years to come.


  2. Caryagal,
    Welcome! I was anonymous for a good while before I ever had the courage to leave a name. We all love Cassie and hope to keep her around as long as she wants to be here.

    As for all the people you will meet around here. I think they are wonderful too. I really feel as close to some of these folks as I do anyone I know. Please stop by often and talk!


  3. I feel the same way about Cassie and Tom. That is why Danny and Mayye are like them. They are exactly what my 40 plus years of fantasy's have been about. I am sorry about your weird day the other day. I am not afraid to tell everyone I don't know what I am doing on here, but I can relate to how you feel. I feel the same but in different areas of life. I think you are very smart by the way!

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Cassie said she wouldn't show my site to Tom - so I don't get to write him a letter/post :( However, having read what you & Eva have written to him, anything I wrote would be superfluous - you are so lovely :)

  5. Theresa,
    To me they are the perfect couple. Besides anything else you can tell that they both adore each other!

    I am pretty much over my crazies, it comes and goes.LOL But it is so nice to have a place to come and let go on those days.

    If I remember correctly Cassie said she wouldn't take him there FIRST. I didn't send Nick there first, but I think he stops by most days now! I can see in the future Cassie taking Tom by to check things out. I believe deep down he just wants Cassie to be happy.

  6. Come by and say hi Chapter 11 is calling you.

  7. Elis what a sweet letter, if Tom can be persuaded you and Eva will do it, you are a really lovely person Elis, I'm proud to be your friend.
    Big hugs,

  8. Anonymous1:37 AM

    This guy "Tom "seems to me a smart one. Not surprised if he already knows what his sweet wife is doing.
    Don't think he won't allow her blogging anymore. A part of Cassie will die and life will never be the same.

  9. Paul,
    You are so special. I am alway honored every time you stop by. I would do anything I could for Cassie.

    I agree. I think this means too much to Cassie for Tom to take it from her. He loves her too much. She may, however, be standing at the computer for awhile!
