Saturday, July 29, 2006

What a Day

This will be short entry. We had the yard sale today. I now feel like someone beat me -- but not in the good way. I am so warn out that if Nick asked me if I wanted a good spanking followed by wild sex I would be to tired to say yes ... I would just nod !!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sometime silence is the best communication of all... and you might not guess it, but a spanking is often just the rejuvenation that you need.

    Spankings address and/or dispel all sorts of things... anger, frustration, stress, physical ailments, exhaustion, stunted creativity, procrastination... I could go on and on!!

    Big hugs and hope the yard sale was a success. BTW - Having had both big toe nails completely and permanently removed after years of agonizingly painful partial removals, I empathize with your daughter... hope she is dancing again soon!


  2. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Elis, Often after days like that we fall into bed too exhausted to even think of anything but then seem to end up waking up a couple hours later all tangled up in each other. Fun stuff.

  3. Elis, a nice good girl spanking can be very rejuvenating.
    I've seen one turn a tired worn out Mel into a Tiger, that's TIGER Tigger, don't get any ideas. *G*
    Often we've gone to bed exhausted and suddenly, things go bump in the night. *G*

  4. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. You were all right by the time we got to bed and began to snuggle I wasn't as tired as I thought I was.

    We even got in a bit of quiet spanking. Although it was a bit like taking a bite out of a delicious hot fudge sundae. If I can only have a bite I almost wish I hadn't been tempted.

    Tigger, the baby seems to be up and about pretty well. It now only hurts when I need her to do housework!

    Love you all,

  5. I need to have another yardsale. But I heard they don't go over big in colder weather.

