Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I'd rather be braless

There is too much going on! For the last eighteen months or so staying home has been the norm. I didn’t like that we had to, but I’m such a home body I didn’t mind doing it. Now I’ve been out and about every day for the past week and more. Some of the stuff was lots of fun, but there were doctor visits too. Nothing wrong, just regular check-ups. Plus my Covid booster which I was happy to have, but I still had to put on a bra and shoes and leave the house – not fun!


Some of the fun stuff was a day trip with Nick to a beautiful estate not too far away. The gardens are amazing! 

And then Mollie invited me over to get a few pictures of my grand dogs. Lucy is really growing. Look at these pretty babies.

But now I want to just stay home – sweats, no bra, warm socks  and time to write for a while – books, blogs, emails… I don’t care but that’s the plan for the next few days!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Simple questions can sometimes get you thinking.

I enjoyed this meme that Ronnie shared. Some meme are just light hearted fun but every once and a while you stumble onto a question that you really needed to answer.

One of the first to welcome you to blogging?

Although I found Bonnie first, I can’t think about the beginnings of my blogging days without thinking of Eva at Nothing Random. She was brand new at the time also and we became fast friends. She challenged me, encouraged me, taught me the ins and outs of blogging and we emailed one another constantly during the day. Over the years we visited in one another’s homes and vacationed together. It was an amazing friendship that blossomed for me in my middle age and I’ll always be grateful.

There were others here at the very beginning, Paul, Theresa, Grace and Ceeci, they were, are still, dear to me.

Knickers up/on or down/off?

I always liked to start with them up, but that never seemed to last long.

Current favorite - wood or leather?

Wood is just fine for fantasy, but I’ll always go with leather in real life.

Have you ever gotten spanked for swearing?


Nope, I don’t swear much and Nick never cared.

Have you ever been caned?

Well… we have several canes and Nick has used them on me. But I’m really not sure of the answer to this question.

What do you get spanked with the most?

We don’t partake anymore, but the dogging bat was always one of our favorites. 

Have you been spanked more than once in a day?

Yes I have.

Have you ever asked to be spanked for something you did wrong?

Yes, but very seldom. 

On average how many times are you spanked a month?

Now days, zero.

How long have you been practicing TTWD ?

Such a thought provoking question. We began in 2006 and we gave it a truly good effort for the next eight to ten years. Then we spent a few more years starting and stopping, communicating and not communicating. Then I spent another year being alternately mad, excited, frustrated, hopeful, full of anticipation, joyful and depressed. All those emotions slamming me in different directions day after day got to be too much. I love Nick more than anything, but for my own mental well-being I stepped away from TTWD. We are still happily married, but I still find myself at times wishing we still had that special closeness that TTWD brings.

Monday, October 18, 2021

A beautiful little girl

I’ve had several ask about my great-niece. She had her first brain surgery on July 6. The surgery was looking for the areas of her brain where the epileptic seizures originated. So 17 leads were placed in the brain and removed a week later. But this didn’t tell the doctors what they needed to know.


A second surgery was planned about six weeks ago, but when they arrived at the hospital they found out the surgery had to be postponed – covid had taken over the hospital.  So the second surgery finally took place about three weeks ago. This time they had to remove a portion of her skull, place a ‘mesh’ on the brain to continue looking for the parts that start the seizures. A week later part of the skull was removed again and the mesh removed so they could study the data.


Two areas were identified. One spot was the half the size of a man’s fist the other smaller, but in a ‘more difficult place’ as they put it. Surgery was done – I have no details. I don’t know if the places were removed, ‘blasted’ or what. But I know they were so very relieved when her dad spoke to as she was waking up and told her he loved her and she answered, “I love you too, Daddy.” A few hours late she walked to the bathroom.


I have no information about whether or not the surgery lessened the seizures, but I know the biggest problem for this little one was the shaving off of her beautiful long blonde hair. She says she’s so ugly now with no hair and the scar. What do you say to an eight year old (I hadn’t realized she was that old)? 


Her mother is a part time photographer and decided to do a photoshoot of her. She told her while she was still as pretty as a princess she now had the scar of a warrior that would soon be hidden when her hair grew back – but that she would know it was there. A sign of the fierce warrior she had been as a child.  


And with her mother’s permission here is her picture.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

A meme from the old days

I came across this from years back and thought I'd try it again. I'd love for others to try it too.

Who’s the oldest?


Nick is five and a half years older. I’m his child bride.

Who was interested first?


I guess he was, I’m not really sure. We had run into each other at a local bar and at friend’s houses and we’d talked. But he was the one who called for a date.


Same high school?


Oh no, I went to the good one.


Most sensitive?


I would say me. But sometimes I wonder. We’re still not good at opening up to one another.


Worse temper?


Neither one of us has much of a temper. We just tend to go with the flow.

More social?


That would be me. But since Covid, I not very social either. We do have one couple we go out with when we can.


More stubborn?


Maybe that would be me. 


Wakes up first?


Nick! Always Nick. If he was in bed when I woke up I would be checking his pulse.


Bigger family?


That would be Nick – there are five kids in his family. This really comes in handy as they take care of his dad.




He doesn’t send them often. Maybe once a year or less. But that’s fine with me.

Cooks the most?


We do both cook a little. He probably does a little more than I do.


Cries more? 


Now that would be me. Not about real things, I'm very stoic about real things. But sad stories or show often have me in tears.


Better singer?


Me! It’s not that I can sing well but he doesn’t sing at all. Not in the shower, not with the radio, not even happy birthday.


Said I love you first?


I guess we’ve been together a long time. I don’t remember.


Better driver?


I drive just fine, but I don’t like doing it so I’d rather him do most of the driving.


Hogs the remote?


I always have the remote. I don’t mind going up and down on the volume when it needs it. Also he does a lot of talking when I’m trying to hear the TV, and I don’t mind hitting pause and talking a while. And I know which are which.

Clothes and shoe hoarder? 


I think both of us are a little guilty of this. But he can wear all the old clothes he has since his weight hasn’t changed in the past forty years. Let’s just say mine has. 



Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Why I wanted to drive a forklift

Some of you asked about my desire to be a forklift driver. I had a very specific reason for wanting this job. This was back over forty years ago. I was working for a veterinary as his technician. I’d been there about five years. I love the work but I was beginning to realize it couldn’t be a life-long career, the pay was low and there were no benefits back then. I really loved the Vet though, I had a big crush on him even though he had a temper and knew how to use it. But I did begin to think of other possible careers. 

I was just beginning to think about what I wanted to do when a tragedy hit the vet hospital. Doc’s twenty-year-old son was killed by a drunk driver just one month after he’d been married. We were a small hospital and it devastated us all. Doc, as you can imagine, was full of rage and nowhere to dump it. He couldn’t be ugly to the clients, he couldn’t scream at his family. That left his employees. Doc and I were close, I could usually talk him down when he got angry but it seemed constant. I talked to the clients who asked me about his son, I talked with Doc’s wife and his younger son. I felt like all I did was talk and talk and talk. I’d finally had all I could take and I told Doc I was leaving. I remember his body just sagged as he realized just how horrible he’d been acting. I still cared for him, but I just couldn’t stay. 


But I’d finally decided what I wanted to do. I was going to learn to be a forklift driver. It seemed perfect. The attraction - I could go in do my job and not talk to anyone! That’s what I craved more than anything, the idea that I wouldn’t have to talk at all!

But something happened. I never learned to drive a forklift, instead I ended up becoming a teacher. I wanted a job where I’d never have to talk to anyone and I became a teacher. I never have figured out exactly how that happened.

Monday, October 04, 2021

About that O2 level

I had a couple of people asking about the answers on my meme. Some wanted to know about the talk with the nurse about my 02 levels. I want to know more about it myself. Mollie pestered her dad into getting me a new iWatch about a year ago. It has all the bells and whistles, it checks for Afib, it detects a fall and calls for help, it tells me how fast my heart beat is and it checks blood oxygen levels. I never gave much thought to these O2 levels, but I took them occasionally. And usually they were between 95 and 100. Seemed fine. But lately that hasn’t been the case. Much of the time the reading are in the high to mid-80's. And once, I repeat only once, back last January it dropped to 68% blood oxygen. The watch keeps records for the year.

I have never felt a thing wrong. I have no cold or covid symptoms. I do not feel short of breath in any way. Basically I don’t know if I need a doctor or a new watch. When I did talk to the nurse about it, she had me come in just so she could check it and at that time it was 96, and my watch said the same thing. My doctor wasn’t there that day and no one’s called me back so I guess they’re not worried.    


I check my heart rate too. The range bothers me, usually when I check it in the 70's. But last Friday the range went from 46 to 111 and on Saturday it went from 58 to 175, it was only that high for just a minute. Again, do I need a new watch or what? I have no desire to spend time at the hospital for test these day. So for the most part, I’m doing nothing. I hope that solves it.  


Friday, October 01, 2021

Love a good meme

I've always love a good meme. Go check out Ronnie, Hermione and Morningstar's answers.


What can you see out of your window?

Our back yard surrounded by the woods behind our house.

Choose five words to describe yesterday.


Reading, cleaning, walking, not cooking, relaxing

The most memorable deaths in your lifetime (other than family)?


JFK, Martin Luther King, Jr., Bobby Kennedy, Elvis

Tell us 3 things about yourself that your readers don't know.


If I haven’t written it by now, I probably don’t want you to know. Hmm… I wanted to be a forklift driver, I kinda want a Golden Retriever puppy and I kinda don’t, Sunday morning at the most stressful time of the week for me.

What was the last conversation you had with someone?


Talked with a nurse yesterday about my low oxygen levels.

Tell us about a kindness from someone.


I didn’t have my rewards card at the grocery store yesterday and the lady in front of me offered her.

What was the last song you heard?


Hot Stuff – when watching a little of Dancing with the Stars

What is the most expensive item you have bought in the past month?


I finally broke down and got a new phone. They aren’t cheap these days!

What three things would you take to a desert island?


A good survival kit, a stack of books, GPS satellite phone to get me home.

What are your plans for the weekend.


Nick invited his golf buddies for dinner tonight (I don’t  like to cook or entertain) and he invited one of them to spend the night (I don’t have overnight guest.) So I guess I’m going to spend the weekend outside my comfort zone.